Content Introduction and Conclusion: When she started the speech, she fumbled over her attention getter, but I would place fault upon being an English learner rather than being unprepared. Her opening line and credibility led her well onto her main point of recycling. I feel as though her preview was not so much a preview as it was an awkward transitional piece into her first main point. The conclusion was a good ending to the speech and wrapped it up nicely. There was a nice mini review of the points which melded well with her final thoughts. No complaints here. Body: The main points were clear, with the transitions feeling a bit lacking. She spent an equal amount of time on the body paragraphs but they were way too short, as the full speech fell a minute behind the minimum required presentation time. The was no slang, but there were some grammar and syntax issues, which are not completely the fault of the speaker, but are the fault of subject-verb agreement in native language. I would be lucky to do so well in a second language. She used effective imagery with her rhetorical questions, but could have done better imagery application with the soft information. …show more content…
That line of “evidence” left me with more questions than answers. She had a variety of hard and soft information, with the anecdotal evidence feeling a bit more practiced and well-rounded. I could interpret the evidence, and I think it came across easily at most points. Overall, the information itself was good, but the fault of the feeling of listed information lied in
The three key components of a great speech are ethos, logos, and pathos. Clinton makes it clear that she understands and is an important and relevant person to be covering the topic. She shows ability with her knowledge of the issue by portraying it to the audience. Besides the words she is saying, she shows charisma, and she has a high
If she had added more supporting evidence and counterarguments, I believe that it would have been a stronger speech.
I really enjoyed watching the speech that you chose and reading your post. I watched a speech by Samuel Cohen about raising awareness of the devastating disease Alzheimer’s. I think that both of the speakers did a wonderful job in the delivery of their speech. When Samuel Cohen was giving his speech, he was very sober and wasn’t smiling. This is because it wasn’t a story that he should have been happy about telling about unlike the speaker Mandy Len Catron who gave a more upbeat speech. Both speakers used their hands appropriately when giving their speeches and had good use of visual aids to enhance their speeches and to get their points across. Both speeches were very different and I liked watching both of them because they both did a very
She started by gaining the attention with a statistic about military working dogs, followed by the topic and the importance of military veterinarians. She cited an article used and previewed what was to come in her speech. Inside the conclusion the speaker summarized, activated, and had good slam bam. She reminded the listener of the four main points followed by the audience activation. She said “Ask the student if they had considered being a military veterinarian.” getting the audience to do an action. After each statement there was a fact to support the statement. Not only did the intro and conclusion follow this, so did the
From a communication and speech analysis stand point Ms. Alexander kept her self poised, keep her tone of voice smooth and inflecting when she needed to drive certain points home. She kept the audience engaged by moving around telling personal anecdotes that related to her topic to allow the persuasiveness of her speech to drive home about the problem of the criminal justice system and race as a whole. Her first point that really captivates and hooks you in within a matter of minutes of listening to the speech is when she says, “ People of color are the main ones incarcerated…Put in cages and treated worse than animals.” Right their she captivates and audience that otherwise believe she's crazy talking about race in the criminal justice system. Ms. Alexander managed to captivate and all WHITE audience on a topic that most had already made up there minds on. Her speech was effective in that all statistics about her topic she
She provided a preview statement to the audience with what she was going to talk about. I liked how she provided to the audience what they will know after the speech was completed. The preview statement explained to the audience what they will learn. “You will be able to identify a scene kid, how to become one, the types of clothes they wear and what they like to do.”
One issue she had during this speech was that during this time she was going to show us a few photos of herself after the explosion but there was a technology issue and she was unable to do this. Even though the pictures were not working, the devices of using her feelings in her voice and her emotion were just enough to pull me in to being interested in her story. Also, at one point she went to pass out a hand out and show us statistic but it took her a little while to find the sheet of paper which was one negative part of her speech because she should have had it in a spot she could easily get to. Since she was getting so into some of the stories she would also go off track and kept telling different stories. This was still very interesting but it kind of went off topic off why she was their speaking to us. Simmons was leaning against a table at times which was sometimes distracting because she seemed to be too relaxed at times and at the beginning she was moving her hands too much but then held a paper to calm her movements down which was good.
Overall, I thought that the baseball glove and the product were both really creative pieces to represent their lives. For the baseball glove I enjoyed how she actually had it with her to present exactly how the glove fit her in her life. For example, how her name was written on the side of it and how that made it personal to her. Even though the Made in China speech did not have the physical object, the way the he brought humor to the idea made it very entertaining. Both speeches were very easy to follow because of the ways that they were structured.
There were various aspects of the speaker’s delivery that were effective, in her opening part of her speech she was interacting with the audience in their posture stances. This gave many an understanding of what she is trying to show them how posture can change the way an individual view themselves in a third person perspective as well as their confidence build. I myself took a look at my posture and realized that in fold my arms excessively and hunch over to feel more comfortable in a room full of unfamiliar people. On the other side we have individuals who use as much space as possible to show their dominance to others such as spreading out by stretching while standing or sitting. Speaking very clear and making strong eye contact makes her an extremely effective public speaking as she gestures to the things she wants us to focus on as we are talked through her examples. Transitions are very noticeable as slides or videos giving examples as visual representation makes her speech very easy to follow and understand her points effectively. Cleverly using nonverbal examples such as handshakes, eye winking, face to face eye contact as well as physically touching another are very good
Lastly the part that really convinced me to listen, was the way she portrayed her point, options, with the moment she realized how different it was for her male co-host to think of himself as the main character versus her playing the main character. It added a perspective to her article that decided, for me, between a well-articulated article, and one that was just thrown
In Conclusion I feel I did a good job on my informative speech. My preparation needs work, but my content and my ability to tone down the facts helped to pull everything together. I can always use more practice, but I feel this speech went better than my
Norma was pleased with the overall outcome of her presentation. It was certainly different to give an oral presentation than it was to write one.
During her speech, Sarah used good organizational skills and included a good attention getter in her introduction and summary in her conclusion. She used quality content for her main points and backed it up by using reliable information. Sarah also used a very extemporaneous style during her delivery which made her speech easy to listen to and understand. I believe the overall quality of this speech was
It contained a good message and you could tell that she truly had a conviction to get this message out there. When she spoke, you could tell she was speaking from the heart because she was stumbling on her words in places and her voice would crack when she really got into it. Being a Christian the message that all change comes from love really resonated with me. After all Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love. It is through love that we find empathy with our fellow man and without it we could not be a society and would never accomplish anything. Ultimately it is the duty of everyone to stand up for what they feel is right just as abolitionist John G. Fee did when wrote Cassius Clay and asked, “what is the duties of American citizens in their respective spheres in life” this being a question that by its very nature assumes the responsibility of all in working towards the moral good. Overall I think this was a good presentation. Her clear commitment to the message made it a very affective speech. She did however have some bad things to say about certain political figures. These comments could cause someone who agrees with those she spoke badly of, to decide to tune her out and not even consider her argument. But like I said before, to me this was the best convocation all
She also explained what she learned in school growing up. She then transitions to what grew up witnessing back home. Her credibility was very important because she is a North Korean refugee and since she's talking about a topic that's very sensitive, the audience seems to be intrigued throughout her speech. She worked into the rest of her speech by the story given in her introduction. Her conclusion was very touching. She expressed her desire to want to inspire other aspiring North Koreans to benefit from international