
Revolutionary War Dbq Questions And Answers

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Revolutionary War Quiz The Revolution War started because the British king, King George III, was treating the colonies very poor, making unjust laws, making the colonists pay taxes for the French and Indian war, sending over soldiers to in force the laws, making the colonists house the British soldiers and the soldiers ate and drank all the colonists had. After awhile of this abuse the colonists had enough of it and they started to revolt against the British by tarring and feathering the tax collectors, making mob, throwing tea overboard British ships, Boston Tea Party, and boycotting British goods. Once the King heard of this he sent more troops and closed down the Boston Harbor and told the colonists they could not trade with the rest of …show more content…

They also had European connections to France and Poland. The Americans also had great commanding, leadership, and strategies. With these strengths they also had weaknesses. George Washington, head general of the Colonies armies/militias were very short of men, no more than 20,000 at a time. They lacked in supplies, gunpowder, guns, food, and clothing. They also lacked in training, only some of the soldiers had training because they were previously hunters and the count shoot and hide very effectively. Some of the British’s strengths where they had army that was professional trained of 42,000 and King George III hired 30,000 German mercenaries, Hessians, to fight with the British. The British had a lot of supplies, ammunition, weapons, food, gunpowder, and clothing. They also had A LOT more military experience. With all these strengths the British also had weaknesses. The distance between England and the Colonies was to great and sending troops, and supplies was very difficult. News of the battles came way too late, and it made it hard to command. The King couldn’t convince the British people that beating the colonists was a vital goal, and they had no

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