
Reviewing The Qantas Board Charter

Decent Essays

6. Qantas Board Review Reviewing the Qantas Board charter against ASX (2014) recommendations 1.4, 2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 4.1, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.1 the constitution is very clear particularly around the independence of the board and the composition of the role of Chairman and CEO as well as the committees under the board’s guidance. The board has structured itself to meet the requirements of the ASX (2014), in addition I. Board Structure The composition of the board is clearly documented in the Charter that the board must be majority Independent Non-Executive Director (INED) and the CEO position. The chairman role is only outlines that the incumbent must be an INED who an Australian citizen is appointed, the Chairman is not to excise the role of CEO of Qantas and must not have held that position previous. (Find reference where that’s bad) II. Board Independence In line with ASX (2014 recommendation X.X Qantas is very articulate around the Independence of a director and their responsibilities to inform the board of their interests outside of Qantas. III. Board Size As explained previously by Lipman (2007) board sizes should vary between no less than four directors or greater than ten. As outlined on (2015) Board of Directors are currently made up of nine members and in February 2015 will become ten members of which 9 will be INED and the CEO. IV. Committees As outline in the Charter of the Qantas Board they are compliant to the ASX (2014) recommendations to ensure

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