
Review: The Biggest Stories About Gender Inequality At Work

Decent Essays

Throughout this course we studied a variety of topics. Each topic we discussed taught me something about how to view the world and the proper values to have. There are three main values I developed this semester with the help of American Dilemmas and they are skepticism, cohesiveness and the ability to remain unbiased. The primary topic that caught my interest and shaped some of my values was gender inequality. I had never really thought of gender inequality as being a modern day problem, to me it was a thing of the past that we had gracefully stepped over some time throughout history. However, when we began discussing this in class I realized our society as a whole had never fully addressed or solved the problem of gender inequality although we may have swept it under the carpet to keep it out of the public’s watchful eye. The article that really made me realize that this is a modern day problem is “Year in Review: The Biggest Stories about Gender Inequality at Work." By Li Zhou. In this piece Zhou goes over the biggest moments for combating the problem of gender inequality in 2015. I found it particularly bizarre that all of these events took place just last year and yet I had no knowledge of them …show more content…

One of the articles we read, “How Mental Illness Is Misrepresented in the Media,” describes the discrepancies between mental illness and the media’s portrayal of mental illness. In this article the author states that: “People with mental illness look like, well, everyone else” (4). I’ve always tried to follow the principle, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ but this article reinforced that value of being nonjudgmental. As we discussed mental illness we recognized the stigma about it and how the media influences and propagates that stigma. After reading this article and discussing it in class I’ve made a conscious effort to recognize my own prejudices and work through them and try to become more

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