
Review Of Walt Witman's 'O Me, O Life'

Satisfactory Essays

“O me, O life”
By: Robbie

Ever had that feeling of you whole body replenishing just all at one moment? That kind of feeling like the rush of blood just bursting into all your hundreds of bloodstreams? O me, O life is so inspiring in the words of Walt Witman who is the person who created the quote. This man gave me such a feeling that it reminded me of myself when I was young watching Jacky Chan movies and trying to act like him after the movie was over.

In the quote of “O me, O life,” the words of myself, useless, and recurring are like the string that get connected to the whole body and motivates you. When I read it over and over I usually think of sports because I get that adrenaline that is my spark to the fire. Also while I’m reading

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