
Review Of The Song 'On The Run'

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Track 1 (“Speak To Me”): At first, I thought YouTube wasn’t working at all because I couldn’t hear anything. The song starts with a heartbeat at 0:09. That part was interesting because the beat was soft then it did a little louder. After that the clock came and a person talking. I could hear the type writer, and the song went to the next track. I like the track because it was interesting to kick-off the title.
Track 2 (“On The Run”): When I listen to the song, I feel like I’m in a scary hunted house and I’m trying to escape from a monster. At 4:43 I can hear someone running and a scary laugh at 5:56. I have no idea what instruments as playing the strange sounds. I believe I can hear the snare drum in the beginning of the song. I like this song because it really makes me really think what is the song is about. …show more content…

The guitar solo was pure-class at 11:03. That was the best part of the song. The song to me is about life and time. The tempo of the song was a moderato tempo.
Track 4(“The Great Gig in the Sky”): The tempo of the song starts with the largo tempo. Then, at 15:43 the drum and the women voice change the tempo a little bit. This might the first time I hear a piano playing in the album so far. The women just said the “oh”, but it was nice because she was singing playing with the piano. She has a high pitch

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