
Review Of John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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If you have a dream, chances are it won't come true. You'll spend your whole life chasing this dream and you will never get there. In the book Of Mice and Men author John Steinbeck shows many characters and their dreams of a having different life. I think that throughout the whole book he tries to tie in the idea of the American dream and living a perfect life. A really good example would be George because he had a big dream of owning his own ranch someday.
From the very beginning of the book George and Lennie discuss how someday they won't have to work on the farm and they will be able to live on their own and do whatever they want. George says “Well do her, he said. We'll fix up that little old place and we’ll go live there. S'pose they …show more content…

George and Lennie Never ended up getting their own land, Curley's wife never made into the movies, and Lennie was never able to tend the rabbits. With this I think John Steinbeck is trying to prove or show something. No matter who you are or what your circumstances are you are probably wishing and dreaming for a better, different life. In the book it never really shows the characters doing anything to help them achieve those dreams. Maybe if George and the other men wouldn't have gone out to town and put away a little money they would have been able to afford that land. If curley's wife wouldn't have gave up on her dreams and settled for something less than what she probably deserved she maybe would have had a shot of getting into the moves. If lennie would have been able to stay out of trouble then maybe his dreams of tending the rabbits would have come true. I think Steinbeck was trying to make the point that Everyone has big dream. Most people are not willing to work or give things up to get to those dreams, so will you be like the characters in the book and never get to your dreams or will you do something to separate yourself from the rest and end up living that “better

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