
Reverend Parris Greed Quotes

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Reverend Parris is exceedingly acquisitive as evidence by his actions towards the community of Salem. Within Act I Parris’ greedy attitude and selfish motives are brought forward and highlighted throughout stage directions, dialogue of the play, the way others react to him, and his feelings towards Betty. Although the minister of the church, he is disliked and prides himself on his reputation. Parris’ caustic attitude and monetary greed is evident to lead him to his downfall. He describes himself as “...not some preaching farmer with a book under [his] arm; [he is] a graduate of Harvard College” and assumes that the people of the village care about his education status (29). Parris makes sure to substantiate himself as someone who is …show more content…

Parris has an unfavorable disposition towards children and lacks an affable background. The selfishness that Parris encompasses is inexpressible, especially towards his niece Abigail who “compromise[s] [his] very character” (11). Parris affirms “Now look you child, your punishment will come in its time. But if you trafficked with spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it” (10). Parris is not perturbed by the idea that Abigail, someone he is expected to care about, could perchance be infected with witchcraft. The only element of this situation that he is the least bit frightened by, is his own reputation. If Abigail is indeed a witch, Parris’ enemies could use this information against him to degrade his character. Parris also claims “[his] ministry is at stake” and “if [Abigail] know[s] something that may help the doctor” she should not conceal information (11). In this situation Parris acts as if he is extremely concerned with Betty; however the only thing that worries him is the way others perceive him. If others find out that Betty is sick from witchcraft and Abigail danced with the devil; people will think that Parris, along with his house, has been afflicted by

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