
Return Of Elementary Essay

Decent Essays

Finally, the Return of Elementary
Long Awaited Season 6 of Elementary and a Return of a Favorite Actress

"It's elementary, my dear Watson," says Sherlock Holmes-an oft-repeated adage by many an aspiring sleuth, detective or private investigator, both real and imagined. So, it seems fitting that the new Sherlock Holmes series should be named that-“Elementary”. Just like the detective written in the book, the character portrayed on the television series, Sherlock Holmes, by Jonny Lee Miller does not disappoint. The twist in this series was that Watson, played by Lucy Liu, was a woman and now called Joan Watson. Many thought that it would be bad for the series to have the character of Holmes sidekick played by a woman but, it has not deterred fans of this series from …show more content…

Introduced is a new character that will help to cement the fact that Jonny Lee Miller's portrayal of the drug habit that Sherlock Holmes has is further woven into the story. To help him in only the way another drug addict can, the writers of the show introduce the character Michael played by Desmond Harrington, to show what Holmes and Michael go through. But also possible to help he and Watson solve cases. Joan is back; still his sober companion, and still a part of his investigative team. We can deduce that if Holmes is having problems maintaining sobriety and a drug-free life then his father Morland, played by John Noble, whom we have recently seen in Legends of Tomorrow, might reappear. The remaining cast of characters remains the same: Captain Gregson played by Aiden Quinn and Detective Bell played by John Hill. Of note, if you are a fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's writing of the detective Sherlock Holmes, you will note that he did indeed have a drug habit that shows up in other stories written about

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