
Restorative Justice Pros And Cons

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I strongly believe that restorative justice is an extremely beneficial and efficient approach to the rehabilitation of the offenders and victims. The current criminal justice system seen in Canada and the United States have time and time again proved the inefficiency and inadequacy of retributive justice. The goal of restorative is to repair the harm caused by a crime, while simultaneously attempting to facilitate the healing of the victim, offender and community. Restorative justice programs address the needs of the individuals involved through the use of an all inclusive and humanistic approach in hopes to achieve justice. It ultimately rejects the idea that the offender should be punished equally according to their offense, rather it acknowledges the reality of social inequity. …show more content…

Specifically, restorative justice has a high rate of success when looking at the recidivism rates. In fact, a study conducted by North Dakota State University, found that based on 551 youth who were assigned to restorative justice or traditional court proceedings between 2000 and 2005, Youth processed through juvenile courts re-offended nearly 50 percent of the time, while those in a minimal restorative justice educational program committed new offenses only 31 percent of the time. More intensive restorative justice programs also had fewer new offenses than juvenile court cases, including 24 percent for community panels, 27 percent for indirect mediation, and 33 percent for direct mediation. These statistics display that when communities reintegrate the offenders subsequent to undergoing the restoration programs, the likelihood of recidivism is notably

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