
Resting Membrane Potential Of Orconectes Lab Report

Decent Essays

This experiment seeks to analyze how the resting membrane potential of Orconectes rusticus muscle cells changes in response to increasing [K+]o solution concentrations. By recording the intracellular voltage of the DEM, DEL1, and DEL2 crayfish muscle cells at six concentrations of [K+]o solution, we determined whether the observed resting membrane potentials (Vrest) were significantly different from the predicted Nernst equilibrium potential values. We hypothesized that the Vrest of the crayfish muscles at each concentration would not significantly differ from the Nernst potential, which solely considers the permeability of potassium ions to the cell membrane. However, our findings suggested differently, and results indicated that the Nernst equation did not accurately predict the obtained values of the resting membrane potential. The differences in muscle cell Vrest reveal instead that the membrane is differentially permeable to other ions. I. Introduction: …show more content…

Both electrical and chemical forces combine to determine the resting membrane potential of the cell. Although the resting membrane potential of most cells is normally negative, the selective permeability of the membrane allows certain ions in and out, causing the neuronal membrane voltage to become depolarized (more positive), or hyperpolarized (more negative). Key ions involved in muscle membrane potential are sodium, potassium, and chloride, which move via passive or active diffusion through ion channels and transporter pumps (Baierlein et al. 2011). The Nernst equation predicts the membrane voltage based on the assumption that the membrane is only permeable to one type of ion. In this investigation, we are seeking to understand the basis for how different ions interact to produce the membrane potential of DEM, DEL1, and DEL2 crayfish muscle

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