
Responsibility In Romeo And Juliet

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Responsibility is a weird thing. Some individuals take charge as well as the responsibility in some situations. Some tend to shy away and stay behind. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by Williams Shakespeare, Friar Lawrence and Tybalt hold the most responsibility for Romeo and Juliet's death. William Shakespeare english poet, playwright, and actor. He was alive from 1564 to 1616. One of his more popular plays was The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet were star crossed lovers destined to never be able to be together. Friar Lawrence and Tybalt hold the most responsibility for Romeo and Juliet's death in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by Williams Shakespeare. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by Williams Shakespeare, Tybalt …show more content…

One way that Friar Lawence could have changed the outcome of the play is by hiding Romeo instead of sending him away. When the nurse comes and they talk about Juliet, Friar should of hid him in his church until Romeo and Juliet could run away together. “Give me thy hand. ‘Tis late. Farewell, Good night.” (III,iii,172) The result of letting Romeo go is that he goes and sees Juliet then has to leave. If Friar had kept Romeo, he would have been informed on the plan and probably less shocked of Juliet's “death”. Another way that Friar could have changed the outcome of the play is by sending the letter in advance or trying harder to get the letter to him. “I could not send it - here it is again.”(V,iii,14) Here he speaks to Friar John about him not being able to send the letter. He was afraid of spreading a sickness. The result of this action was Romeo not knowing that Juliet wasn’t really dead and it was all apart of the plan. If Friar John had been able to get the letter to him he wouldn’t have gone to the apothecary to buy a poison. A third way that Friar could have changed the outcome of this play is by refusing to marry Romeo and Juliet in the first place. “In one respect I'll thy assistant be,/For this alliance may so happy prove/To turn your households' rancor to pure love.”(II,iii,90-92) Here Friar Lawrence is saying that he would happily

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