
Response To Executive Order 906 By Sandra Cisneros: Summary

Decent Essays

In both Dwight Okita's story, "Response to Executive Order 9066", and Sandra Cisneros' story “Mericans”, both express in a way that you can be American no mather what your ethnic background is. In both stories the character experiences an inconvience because of their race and the stories use other characters to help to develop the theme.

In the story "Response to Executive Order 9066", a young girl is being moved to a Relocation Center when a United States presidential executive order signed and issued during World War II by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942. She had to deal with moving but what was worse, her supposed best friend insullted her when she went to school. "I saw Denise today in Geography class. She was sitting on the other side of the room. “You’re trying to start a war,” she said, “giving secrets away to the Enemy, Why can’t you keep your big mouth shut?”" If my 'best friend' said this to me, I would cry. Instead of crying she gave her friend a packet of tomato seeds and asked her to plant them for her, told her when the first …show more content…

While waiting they play around but after a while she goes inside of the church. "If I stare at the eyes of the saints long enough, they move and wink at me, which makes me a sort of saint too. "When I get tired of winking saints, I count the awful grandmother’s mustache hairs while she prays for Uncle Old, sick from the worm, and Auntie Cuca, suffering from a life of troubles that left half her face crooked and the other half sad." After a while she gets tired and grandmother tells her to leave. When she makes it outside she sees man and a woman that she says "They're not from around here." The woman speaks to them in Spanish but is surprised hen she hears the young girl speaking English. “But you speak English!” “Yeah,” my brother says, “we’re

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