
Research and Practice in Human Resource Management

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Chew, Y. T. (2005). Achieving Organisational Prosperity through Employee Motivation and Retention: A Comparative Study of Strategic HRM Practices in Malaysian Institutions, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 13(2), 87-104.

Achieving Organisational Prosperity through Employee Motivation and Retention: A Comparative Study of Strategic HRM Practices in Malaysian Institutions Yin Teng Chew

A growing concern among companies operating in the Malaysian labour market with high job mobility is how to maintain a workforce

capable of fulfilling corporate exigencies. This study compares and contrasts how strategic human resource management activities from …show more content…

A literature review (Abdullah 2001, Sheppard 2001, Yong 2003) reveals that numerous case studies involve general comparisons that lack a depth of study in Malaysia. Further, this study, which uses a sample of Malaysian based Japanese and Western MNCs , in addition to Malaysian local firms, is deemed important due to the magnitude of these MNCs ’ impacts on the Malaysian economy. According to Ariff
(2004) of the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research, the United States and Japan are the second and third largest investors in Malaysia. Their total exports and imports were above USD38 billion and USD18 billion respectively (Ministry of International Trade 2005). Also, these MNCs create huge employment and skill enhancement opportunities in Malaysia. In addition, data collection and preliminary interviews with the senior management of various industries reveal that the personal care industry is ideal for this study, given its competitive nature in which the labour turnover rate is high and the employees are highly mobilised. This industry is also considered as ideal in terms of the growing Asian market, the ability of such companies to offer higher than average pay packages (MEF, 2004), and high labour turnover (14.5 per cent) as a consequence of the heavy poaching of talented cadres by both business rivals and unrelated industries (MEF, 2004). This situation calls for investigation into the personal care industry. Thus, this

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