
Research Validity

Decent Essays

Importance of Research Validity

Experimental designs as in any research designs must be tested for the accuracy of the study findings (Sagepub, 2006). As such, any of the following types of validity can be used for the purpose of checking the precision of the study’s conclusions, (1) internal or sometimes referred to as causal, (2) external or generalizability of the findings, and (3) measurement. Internal validity is easier to achieve in true experiments, but may find it difficult to prove the generalizability of the study result. Generalizability is more within the confines of external validity. Thus, proving external validity is a problem with true experimental designs.

Internal Validity

Internal validity refers to how well the causal relationship is established between the variables under study. It allows one to choose with confidence one explanation over another statement of findings (Indiana University, n.d.). In other words, it is the “best approximation to the truth or falsity of propositions, including propositions about causation” (Ferguson, 2004, p. 16). …show more content…

Ferguson (2004) cited that internal validity is central to any research design and therefore should be the focus and a priority in the study’s

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