
Research: Should Scientists Clone Human Embryos To Make Stem Cells?

Decent Essays

Should Scientists Clone Human Embryos To Make Stem Cells? By :Kensley Breitrick

Advancements in science has led to the possibility of humans being genetically modified or cloned for stem cell purposes. Such possibilities have lead to many ethical concerns and lead us to ask the question, should scientists be doing this? My personal belief is no they should not. In this essay i'm going to show some supporting facts and information to back up why I believe they shouldn't.

One of the first concerns is that Oregon researchers compensated women to donate eggs for the experiments. This is a very questionable action, which brings up the question who are these women? Buying eggs from women could lead to unhealthy eggs which could lead to many future complications. Buying them also presents a problem when it comes to women with little to no money. They could possibly have to defy their moral or religious beliefs and donate in order to collect money to survive. …show more content… gives us a look at what some religious comunites have to say about the research.The U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops oppose the research as “immoral, illegal, and unnecessary.” They say life is sacred from the moment of conception.The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Southern Baptist Convention are also opposed, for the same reason. “Human embryos,” says the SBC, “are the tiniest of human beings.” Stem cell research was considered by some to be an aberration and a threat to the moral

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