
Research Questionnaire On Head Administrators

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Head administrators or lead managers will be notified with a study’s proposal package, which includes the study’s purpose, procedures, and benefit factors along with a consent form attached to obtain permission to proceed with the study. A second consent form will be mailed out to participants that were randomly selected then will be asked to return the form 48-hours of receipt to the return addressee. Web-based survey questionnaires generated through survey monkey will be administered to the participants with options of completing the survey at their workstations or at home. In addition, no personally identifying information (PPI) will be collected. Participants will complete the online survey questionnaire generated by using survey monkey, which will include closed ended questions on absenteeism, task performance, productivity, commitment, workloads, WLOC, and work environment, post furlough. Survey questionnaires will be customized to target the individual- and organizational-levels perception on the negative impact of furlough within their organization. Some limitations on the survey questionnaires include: privacy, flexibility, no open-ended questions, time constraint, and quick turnaround. No interviews will be conducted in this non-experimental quantitative study. The participants’ responses to the questionnaires could address how negatively furlough impacts their organizations, so that future planning for and implementation for furlough guidance and

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