
Software Reuse Essay

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Technological Institute of the Philippines Aurora Boulevard, Cubao, Quezon City Software Reuse In partial fulfillment for the subject CTI003 Current Trends and Issues in IT Submitted to: Mr. Junell Avestro Submitted by: Lizbert Niño Igagamao IT21FB/BS-IT Date submitted October 9, 2012 Abstract Effective reuse of software products is reportedly increasing productivity, saving time, and reducing cost of software development. Historically, software reuse focused on repackaging and reapplying of code modules, data structures or entire applications in the new software projects (Prieto-Diaz 1994). Recently, however, it has been acknowledgedas beneficial to …show more content…

specifications of functions and their collections; • domain knowledge , i.e. scientific laws, models of knowledge domains; • knowledge of development process , in a form of life-cycle models; • environment-level information, e.g. experiential data or users feedback; • artefact transformation during development process (Basili 1990); etc. A controlled collection of reuse artefacts constitutes a reuse library. Such libraries must contain not only reusable components but are also expected to provide certain types of services to their users (Wegner 1989), e.g. storage, searching, inspecting and retrieval of artefacts from different application domains, and of varying granularity and abstraction, loading, linking and invoking of stored artefacts, specifying artefact relationships, etc. The major problems in the utilisation of such reuse libraries are in determining appropriate artefact classification schemes and in the selection of methods to effectively and efficiently search the library. To bypass the problems with reuse libraries, the use of specialised domain-specific languages was proposed as an alternative. Such languages use strict syntax and semantics defined in terms of an application domain and its reusable artefacts. While

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