
Research Paper

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Research Paper

Inclusion is a type of teaching that is being researched by many school districts across the country. It is the act of combining special education students in a regular classroom environment. Inclusion is a very controversial topic when it comes to the education of children, both regular and special education students. There are many beliefs in the welfare of all students and their ability to learn and function together. This belief has put a damper on school districts adopting the program of full inclusion. People feel that this will cause problems in the classroom for both general education and special education students. They feel that it will be a distraction for all students and that it will harm both their …show more content…

The second article, “A Team-Based Junior High School Inclusion Program,” (1997) looks at a research study that was performed to determine the reactions of parents to the ideas of the inclusion program. The parents of 17 students with learning disabilities and 1 with a behavior disorder were interviewed after their children were in the first year in the junior high inclusion program. For the majority, the parents felt that this was a positive program and believed that it should continue. They believed that being in a mainstream setting, the students had an increased self-esteem and a highly positive overall outcome. This research, done in central Utah, through grades 7, 8, and 9, believed that one approach to restructuring the regular education classroom for students with disabilities is to collaborate the ideas and practices of both the regular and special education teachers. This is a routine action that is focused on in the full inclusion program.

The third article “Constructing Inclusion: lesson from critical, disability narratives,” (2000) focuses on the positive impacts that being in an inclusion classroom will have on students with autism and other disabilities. This article discusses the importance on allowing students who are academically up to the level of the other students, being admitted into an inclusion setting. Through disability

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