
Research Paper On Why People Fear Of Death

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Why do people fear death Are you afraid of death? Statistically speaking half of the students answered yes to the question are you afraid to die. Then, They was asked how they wanted to die and 40% said in their sleep, but 30% said a traumatic death. The fear is based on not wanting to go through the dying, like where you will go afterwards. the fear of the unknown.Where you want to go and you don't really know if that's where you will go.The thought of death on a daily base can lead to a phobia called thanatophobia. (George Campbell 2013 Exit Strategy New York) Humans have trouble thinking of death at an early stage of their lives. This causes a delay in the writing of a will, buying a coffin, looking at cemeteries. We must not think too …show more content…

I like the stories about death.
In the story Pardoner's Tale a group of drunk 3 rioters are sitting and one of the servants tells them that an old friend was slain that night by death. They were outraged. so then, the rioters decided that night they were going to find the death and kill him. On the way to find death. They met an old man and tells the rioters, he has been waiting for death to come take him. The old man told them that he has wandered all over the world looking for death. Hearing deaths name they demanded to know where to find him. The old man points to a grove. Where he said he left death under an oak tree. They rush to the tree, but did not find death, instead they found gold. They didn't want to be called thieves. So in the mean time they need someone to run in town and get wine with bread. They drew lots and the youngest had to run in to town. when he left the 2 brothers discuss the plan. When he gets back we will kill him so we get the greater fortune. The youngest thinks about the same thing, how rich he could be. So then the youngest goes an buy poison and tell them he has some rats to kill. he puts the poison in 2 wine bottles, leaving the 3 one pure. He returns and the 2 brothers …show more content…

My counselor thinks i'm afraid of death, but i'm not i'm afraid of the pain it will bring. I don't really care where goes after death. I just want to be will my loved ones that's it. It would be hard to live without them. other than that, I don't really care. I think everyone should go to the same place. you can’t be perfect and some people never learn. They don’t like change so they keep repeating the same thing over and over. I think that's why the same people go to prison all the time. They have been there so long they want to stay. They don't want to go in the real world. Its probably hard to think that way and live it. I don't have any personal experience really with the fear of death, but when I was little. I would ask my mom why she wouldn’t just go to rehab and get help. She would tell me to shut up and I didn’t know what I was talking about. I have seen what she was doing when she would go in the bathroom and in her bedroom. so I told her that one day andd I told my grandma and she asked her about it. She told her I was a liar an all kids lie.So then she put me in the car a drove me to the cliff looking area an pulled over an pulled me out an told snitch get stitches an end up dead in ditches. I cried a long time after that. It’s still hard today to think about. my mom later on after this, made me some tea one day an I drank it, but soon after I wasn’t feeling good and she told me that there was some grinded glass in

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