
Research Paper On The Bermuda Triangle

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The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the “Devil’s Triangle”, is famous for its many disappearances of planes, boats, and ships. This mysterious triangle has left many people confused about its happenings throughout the years. The points of this triangle stretch from Bermuda to Miami, Florida, and over to San Juan, Puerto Rico. There has been multiple stories people have talked about involving losing the city of Atlantis to the sea in the middle of this triangle. The myths, theories, and experiences that have been had in this triangle are very interesting. The Bermuda Triangle is not a small triangle as it covers about 440,000 miles. The sightings in this triangle include many planes disappearing, what people think is the city of Atlantis, …show more content…

It has been going on for so long that even Christopher Columbus has written about it in his journal. He saw many strange things including his compass getting confused and he even saw a fireball in the sky. His journaling is what some say “influenced the nation into believing the phenomenon”. Since his strange encounters in the triangle, many more events have arose and began the thought of it being cursed. Although some people didn’t believe what was happening in the Bermuda Triangle, the loss of the city of Atlantis to the triangle helped many people …show more content…

The number one theory that many people believe is methane gas. Methane gas floats around the area which can make the density of the water reduced, and can make ships sink. Many people have also spotted hexagonal clouds. The hexagonal clouds can shoot down hard air that makes ships sink. Electronic fog has been detected that makes ships disintegrate. With all the power plants and businesses using chemicals on the coast of the triangle, there are many chemical gases floating around the triangle. The final theory is the underwater reefs. They are very strong and could rip or puncture the bottom of ships. These ships could easily sink due to the

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