
Research Paper On Tesla Electric Car

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the tesla electric car is an innovative and revolutionary new technical experience and now it's getting even better with the autopilot option pushing the bounds you once knew of how a car is supposed to drive. Now to the future of today tesla autopilot, ready for the future? the autopilot is a unique system used majorly in plains and other aircraft, however, is this ready for the bustling average life that a normal car must endure? There are many things you can say about the tesla such as the new software needed to make the autopilot safe and functioning, The likelihood of this being out on our streets and mass produced, the tesla car itself, and the running drivable version out soon. The software is having updates to keep it getting better and smarter for you. …show more content…

Brad Stertz, spokesman for Audi of America. “So far, it appears the worst-case scenario is when people are daydreaming”. "That's slowest," Stertz said. "The next slowest is when they're absorbed in some sort of devices like a smartphone or a book"(Branford 1). so the need to focus on the road still needs to be a priority but this makes it safer to know your car can make it so answering your phone won't be a fatal mistake. With all the new parts such as electric engine we are moving away from the constraining fossil fuels this could be a solution to climate change and has been seen by so many that the Los Angeles police are releasing 100 new electric police cars (Mcdermott 2). This push from gas and diesel engines make our carbon footprint decrease massively. The issue with gas engines is that you have one engine that you have to rely on but with the tesla you have two and can use the efficiency of them as such (Murray 1) the extra engine allows much better efficiency and a better gas mileage cutting the amount of gas needed down and time on the road checking out locations that you once couldn't get

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