
Research Paper On Rosa Parks

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On a chilly December morning in 1955, Rosa Parks, an African American seamstress, was sitting in her seat, which was located in the front of the City Bus. She was tired, and just getting off of work. She decided to sit at the fifth row, which was the beginning of the “colored section,” towards the front of the bus with three other black males. The front couple of seats were reserved for whites at all times, and when all of the front seats were taken, the blacks would keep getting pushed further towards the rear of the bus. James Blake, a Caucasian man whom was the bus driver, stepped up to Ms.Parks, and demanded her to relocated further in the rear of the bus. Believe it or not, more than seventy-five percent of the city’s bus riders were black. The three black men complied, while Parks stood her ground. This event was named the, “Montgomery Bus Boycott,” which obviously took place in Montgomery, Alabama.
After Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, she was arrested and fined $10 and a total of $4 in court fees. Twenty-four hours after Rosa Parks arrest, she was bailed out of jail by Edgar Nixon. The actual Montgomery Bus Boycott began four days after Parks was arrested, which was December 5th, 1955. Two days after Rosa Park’s arrest, neighborhood church services were informed of the bus boycott. A lot of the black supporters of the bus boycott movement were informed of the situation, and ready to support the cause. The day Rosa Parks was arrested on the bus, was the

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