
Research Paper On Pragmatics

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The researcher in this section will shed light on pragmatics, speech act theory, and Islamic expressions as stated in previous studies. Interestingly, the researcher will study the effect of using the modern technology (i.e. Facebook) on pragmatic's functions. 6.1. Pragmatics (Mey, 2001: 6) construes pragmatics as "the use of language in human communication". Semantic meaning and pragmatic meaning are two different issues; interpreting the pragmatic meaning of any Islamic expression is not granted by understanding its pragmatic meaning, then the intended meaning in the context should be examined. As long as pragmatics is the study of language inside context (Blakemore 1992, Sperber & Wilson 1995), most linguists concur that context cannot be detached from pragmatics. …show more content…

In addition, Leech (1983: X) asserts that "Pragmatics can be usefully defined as the study of how utterances have meanings in situations." He also adds, "The meaning in pragmatics is defined relative to a speaker or user of the language, whereas meaning in semantics is defined purely as a property of expression in a given language, in abstraction from particular situation, speaker or hearer." (ibid: 5). For Wilson and Carson (2006:404), there is a relation between language and context in pragmatics which are needed for language

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