
Research Paper On John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism

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Utilitarianism is a moral theory which was created by John Stuart Mill. John Stuart Mill said that Utilitarianism is “doing the act that creates the most pleasure, with the least pain, for the most people.” (17.Mill.) Utilitarianism has to do with people’s happiness since Utilitarian’s see that every act you do should be creating the most pleasure for the most people. The theory of Utilitarianism does not always worry about just one single person, but worries about the greater good for all people. Utilitarian’s can see a single person as a utility if the one person is benefiting many other people. John Stuart Mill discusses a lot about humans and their pleasures and different levels of pleasure and happiness they experience. He also gives many examples of how humans seek pleasures in life. He believes that there are different levels of pleasure, which is measured by Utils. Mill also says that having desires comes with what we can see, essentially, the more we can see something the more desire we will have for it. Mill speaks strictly from a Utilitarian view point …show more content…

“Create the most pleasure, with the least pain for the most people.” If the doctor were to kill the healthy patient he could save four people’s lives which would create the least pain because only one person would have to suffer dying and the other four people wouldn’t have to suffer their disease anymore, they would be healed. Even though there would be some pain involved with the person basically getting murdered in whatever way the doctor chose to go about it, the good would out way the bad because more people than just one person would be healed. A Utilitarian would argue that this would be the morally correct thing to do and would receive pleasure from saving four people rather than just one. Over all in this situation a Utilitarian would believe that killing the one person would increase the

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