
Research Paper On Graffiti

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Is Graffiti Art? Is graffiti art? Yes, it is. However many people have different views on graffiti and what it means. For the people doing it, it may be a way to express themselves, but for the people looking at it, it could either be considered art or it could be considered a nuisance. Regardless of what people say, graffiti should still be considered art. The words and inappropriate “graffiti” people are against, should not be considered true graffiti, it’s the artwork that takes time, thought, and an extremely talented person to create, that’s what should be considered graffiti. Graffiti should be considered art, because it is creative, it takes time, and it’s beautiful.
Banksy was a very talented and famous british street artist, or graffiti activist; he was so famous, he got a book written about him. The book was called, “Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall”, by Will Ellsworth-Jones. It’s about Banksy’s journey throughout his life doing graffiti and the mystery of him. Banksy got so incredibly famous that he got to meet Barack Obama, Steve Jobs, Lada Gaga, and many other celebrities.Banksy’s last face-face interview was in 2003, since then, he has still done interviews, but he has gone to them with a paper bag over his head to hide his identity. …show more content…

The Smithsonian Magazine got to interview him about a time he almost got caught, “When Banksy was 18, he was with a “gang of mates” painting a train, and then the British Transport Police showed up, the rest of his mates go to the car on time, but they left him behind. Banksy says he remembered that while he was hiding under a jumper truck with the engine oil leaking all over him, he realised he would have to cut the amount of time he spent on his artwork in half if wanted to continue to do

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