
Research Paper On Gorilla Enclosure

Satisfactory Essays

“I was shot because of someone else`s poor choices”. If that were to happen in any situation, with a human, people would be up in arms. Riots and protests would engulf the United States. It happened to Harambe. It should not have happened. People protested and ridiculed the parents and the zoo, but no justice happened. The zoo should have better enclosures. The parent`s should have been more attentive to their child. There is no reason for a child to be in a gorilla enclosure. Despite any saying of, children being children and running off, there is not a single reason that the child should have ended up in the gorilla enclosure. This has been said and will continue to be said for years. On May 28, 2016, at the Cincinnati Zoo, Harambe, a seventeen-year-old gorilla was shot. He was shot after a child entered his enclosure. Harambe had picked up the child, and was moving him around. Not maliciously, in a friendly manner. Harambe was thought to be hurting the child, causing zookeepers to shoot Harambe. …show more content…

If a child is able to get over the enclosure, it cannot be safe. Simple as that. The Cincinnati Zoo modified their gorilla enclosures after the incident. This shows that the enclosures were not up to date. There has to be a standard for zoos to follow, and the Cincinnati Zoo was definitely not following said standards.The zoo was probably aware of this. If they were not, then the zoo needs to be checking enclosures for all animals, not just gorillas more frequently. It took a tragedy for the zoo to fix the enclosure. This means that the zoo should be held accountable for the death. If the enclosures were up to date, this would not have

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