
Research Paper On Black Lives Matter

Decent Essays

All lives matter and yes that includes Black lives, Hispanic lives, White lives, and the lives of all law enforcement. All lives matter is a better slogan because it does not discriminate or cater to one race. All lives matter is sticking to the subject that all deaths due to violence should be lowered. Black lives matter is nothing more than a chant linking slavery and history to today's society and current issues. When the truth is we do not live in the past. When the Black lives matter movement first started several people responded by rioting in the streets, vandalizing property and burning down buildings. These rioters were associating themselves with the Black Lives Matters Movement and evidence of this is that they were wearing Black Lives Matter t-shirts. Black Lives Matter, often promotes and ends in …show more content…

America has a growing number of black-on-black crimes that seem to go unnoticed in the Black Lives Matter movement. It appears that black lives are significantly more important when a Black life is taken by a white person,especially a white police officer. Black Lives Matter was started because so many people claim that African Americans are often shot by the police and killed more than whites. However the truth is blacks are more likely to kill a cop than to be killed by cops, according to FBI data. Another fact is that more whites and Hispanics died from police homicides than blacks. Twelve percent of white and Hispanic deaths were due to police officer's. Only four percent of black homicides we're committed by police officer's. Black Lives Matter campaign is causing separation and segregation between the different races, Black lives Matter is not benefiting America as a whole. Americans need to unify and stop looking at each other as the "black race" or quote on quote in the white race, Americans need to see each either as a

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