
Research Paper On Babysitting

Satisfactory Essays

Two summers ago, I wanted to save up money to buy my brother a birthday gift. Since I had no money and the gift he wanted was a little over $100.00 I decided I would babysit my niece over the summer to earn enough money. A week after school ended I asked my older sister if I could babysit my niece instead of her taking her to her original babysitter and she agreed. My sister said she would pay me $80.00 a week which was more than enough and I could easily then afford a present for my brother before the end of July. The start of babysitting was really hard for me because I had summer homework to do , chores to do and on top of taking care of my niece I had to also take care of siblings while my parents worked. It was hard managing time between …show more content…

I knew that by 2:00 pm I had to have my niece showered before my sister came for her. And that after that I could work on my homework. At the time, I didn’t have a bank account to put the money I earned in so sometimes I would waste the money instead of saving it. I told myself I wouldn’t be able to buy my brother a gift if I kept being wasteful so I started saving half of what I earned for the gift and the other half for me. Sometimes by niece would misbehave and my siblings would start arguing and fighting so I had to think of ways to calm them down and make them stop which was very hard to do since they were not good at following rules. They like to watch movies and food so whenever they were too much for me to handle I would ask them if they wanted to watch a movie and that would calm them down and if that didn’t work making them something to eat quick made them settle too. By the beginning of the July I had already saved more than money to get my brother a birthday gift before his birthday so a week before I went and got him a present and had had more than enough money leftover so I saved

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