
Research Paper On Animal Poaching

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We humans have reigned this planet for several millenniums. It’s no secret that we have evolved over time and so has the environment around us. From tadpole like creatures to dinosaurs, we have come a long way partaking and sharing this planet for a long time. My high school teacher once said, “Today’s definition is the rendition of our past”. Life! It is a process. Every little organism on this planet is proved to be a contributing factor for the life on this planet. Looking at our planet from a broader perspective, we see that science comes into picture. It is important for us to know that there is something called a food chain, which basically tell us how every organism on this planet is interrelated and it is very vital for every living …show more content…

Statistics tell us that animal poaching has amplified at an exponential rate. Many organizations rose to prevent these kinds of environmental disaster. Cheetahs, Rhinoceros, Elephants, Bears, Tigers, etc. have been victims of animal poaching. These animals are stolen and killed, which is obviously illegally. Elephants, Rhinos and other such mammals are killed for their tusks and horn. Tigers, Leopards, Bears, etc. are killed for their precious skins, which are used for rugs and fur based fabrics and sold on the black …show more content…

They have generated hundreds of campaigns and promotions to people aware of the tiger poaching mayhem that has stirred the wildlife since a couple of decades. One of the major liberated by World Wildlife Fund is the “Stop Wildlife Crime” campaign in 2010. This campaign was a great success and it succeeded in reducing animal poaching in general by a large percentage. But one of the major objectives for this campaign was to reduce killing of tigers. Their poster tried to convey a message to a large audience, which was basically the entire world. They made sure that they added minimal, yet productive information in the

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