Animal Abuse Just last year 10 billion animals were slaughtered in America alone (Site source later). Billions of animals are killed every year to satisfy the worlds hunger for meat. People do not realize how much meat they consume over the course of a year. Everyday Animals are killed to meet the demand for meat consumers. As the population increases so will the amount of food needed, this will lead to even more animals being killed each year. Animal abuse is happening all over the world no matter where someone lives, Animal abuse can even be at a restaurant or even just at someone’s house. People do not know how many forms of animal abuse there actually is. Animal abuse is in more forms than just physical abuse, there is also mental abuse …show more content…
This is a form of animal abuse because killing animals is done in a cruel and inhuman way. As stated before 10 billion animals were slaughtered last year. This can be considered as 10 billion cases of animal abuse in America alone, Animals are usually killed by being decapitated which is considered cruel. Animals that do not meet the “requirements” are killed and or thrown in the trash (Site source later). Another way animals are killed when they do not meet the requirements are that they are incinerated. Animals can be orphaned after their parents have been killed for consumption (Site source later). When cows are killed their calf’s can die from not being nurtured by them. Animals need should have the right to not be killed in such an inhumane way. Most humans do not have a problem with eating meat, even though most of them do not know how brutally the animals are killed. People need to be properly informed on what the process is from the farm or cage to a plate. Animals are innocent and humans are slaughtering so that they can eat them, some people will actually eat then animal while it is still living. Animals do not deserve to be killed so that the world can eat meat, Animals are usually experimented on with things that make them more desirable for restaurants to buy. Animals that are consumed can be experimented on with chemicals that will make them …show more content…
Animals are equal to humans (Site source later), Animals experience a life and have emotions like humans do. Animals should be entitled to better rights on experimentation because there are certain “Limitations” that people who experiment can get away with. Rats and mice are considered loopholes (site Source later) because they feel less pain than other animals scientist are allowed to experiment on them. Mice and rats can still feel pain but they are not included in the list of animals that cannot be experimented on. Cloning animals can also harm animals because of the sources needed to clone an animal. Forms of DNA and also an egg or a sperm needs to be extracted to perform the cloning process. Animals do not deserve to be harmed so that their owner can have a genetically exact version of them. Cloning can also can fit under using animals for entertainment because a famous animal might be cloned so they can “live
Peta investigation found a farmer killing injured turkeys by beating them with a metal rod, leaving them alive and tossing them aside to slowly die. The industry deemed this act as legal and ignored the farmers beating the turkeys. Many turkeys were taken to the slaughter sick and half dead for being loaded on the transportation truck and given no water or food and traveling through unforeseen weather conditions. The final words of Alec Baldwin from the PETA investigation is when you sit down at your table, become a vegetarian for the sake of all the animals in the world. The problem with the animals continue to be abuse are people turning their heads to the abuse. The profits from the animals are more important than their treatment.
Despite the polling of the 94% almost 10 billion farm animals each year are suffering and if the consumers would have seen how they were treated they might have thought twice before they bought it. Another thing to think about is more than 10,000 american horses die for human consumption even though that 80% say it shouldn’t happen. 1
As a consumer of meat, I find it very concerning that the rights of animals are being violated. Every day across the world animals are kept in small cages and bred for human consumption. For example, in Food Matters; A Bedford Spotlight Reader, the author Peter Singer says, “The case against using animals for food is at its strongest when animals are made to lead miserable lives so that their flesh can be made available to humans at the lowest possible cost.” (179). In other words, when animals are forced to live dejected lives for human
Throughout time humans have forged sympathy for numerous animals, created from the relationships we have developed over time, bonding and interacting with them. We have a grimace look with an animal that's been physically abused or a farm animal being butchered for the meat that eventually make its to the grocery shelf. Having watched videos on supermarket suppliers we don't realize the apathy of some various meat, dairy and egg industries that settle their animals in heinous conditions and have utter negligence for their sentience. It becomes certain that these wondrous animals who provide us with an ecological resource are not respected and action is necessary to punish those individuals. As a society we sometimes disregard the death of some animals, it's unfair but we are just biased on the affection we show to certain animals.
The people know about Michael Vick that he was the quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles and played for 13 seasons in the National Football League (But there is another story that Michael Vick has been involved in dog fights and went to prison for the actions that committed).That does not cover on what had happened to the dogs,Donna Reynold’s had said in details that the swimming pool was used for kill some of the dogs as she continues,the people did not know how many suffered the permitted murder,but the damage of pool walls tells a story. Michael Vick did not just put dogs to fight, but he would hang, drown, shoot, repeatedly slamming their head and spine into the ground
Animals are used for a variety of different tests. Human disease cures are always tried on animals first, most make up must perform experiments with the product on animals first, and dogs and pigs are used to practice surgery on for surgeons. It is not fair and humane to conduct experiments on animals to make sure a product or procedure is safe for us to use or endure. There are no legitimate reasons that an animal’s life is worth less than our own. I think that animal's should have similar rights that people have because they too feel pain and experience emotions and just because they look different doesn’t mean that they are that much different than us.
What is animal abuse? For starters, animal abuse is when a person inflicts suffering or harm on any animal. Most people, all over the world own an animal; but there are still far more animals left out on the street. Homeless animals are either left out on the streets or are “thrown” into shelters. This became a problem because not all animals are domesticated. Animal shelters began as pounds. “When the system began to be used to impound wandering dogs and cats, these animals were often killed because little monetary value was placed on them” (Lila Miller, Animal sheltering in the United States: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, 1) . This issue persists because shelter workers and others truly believe that an animal life has no value, but that is not true; animals are living beings just like humans with brains, hearts, and bones. A reported case was that “authorities had seized 23 puppies, 11 cats, and four adult dogs from a self-processed animal “rescue” after they were found in the “rescuer’s” filthy home.” (‘No-Kill’ Label Slowly Killing Animals, 3). This means that an unauthorized person hoarded many animals and forced the animals into an unsafe “shelter”. The shelter being a dirty home.
In October of 2012, a Jack Russell Terrier puppy named Phoenix was set on fire in Buffalo N.Y. The woman who discovered him was attracted by black smoke. She managed to put out the the flames with her sweater and proceeded to rush him to a small animal hospital with severe burns over his whole body and a serious ankle infection. Although he lost 60% off of both of his ears he maintained almost complete mobility of his leg. He still has a slight limp. Judi Bunge, a senior vet technician at Buffalo Small Animal Hospital who had been looking after Phoenix, adopted him soon after he had fully recovered. He now lives with Judi and her two other dogs. "Phoenix will become a therapy dog and continue his work as an ambassador for the
How aggressive or skittish will a dog, who has been previously abused, react to a person they have never met compared to a dog that has never been abused? 100 dogs some known to have been abused, and some known to have not, will be approached by someone who they have had no prior experience to see how they react.
As human beings, we all have basic rights. Animals, on the other hand, do not get a choice in what is done to them. Animals being used for research dates back to the 1500s. It is estimated that 26 million are used for commercial or scientific research every year. People often disagree on whether animals should have rights. Though they are without a voice, they still have feelings and suffer from pain just as humans do. There are better alternatives to animal testing, such as ones that do not include the suffering and torture of defenseless animals. Although animal research benefits humans in numerous ways, animals have feelings and should have rights just as humans do.
Each year, the most extreme cases of animal abuse receive media attention. Yet, the animal cruelty problem is more widespread than is reported in the media. Animal abuse and neglect is a nationwide issue, affecting thousands of animals nationwide. Cruelty to animals is defined as the infliction of physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, beyond what is necessary. There is a need to stop abusers from acting in such a horrific manner–preventing the neglect and suffering of the animals. What causes animal abusers to act in such a cruel way towards animals? How are cases of animal abuse being managed, and how should cases be handled? Finally, does the status of animals in society contribute to the rate of their abuse?
Thesis statement: The number of animal abuse cases of the United States are rising and the correlation between this crime and other forms of abuse is becoming more and more evident.
Animals are an important and valued part of many families and cultures. In many households, animals are considered members of the family, receive Christmas and birthday presents, and are cared for just as a human child would be. Opposition to animal cruelty has even become a sort of universal value in American culture(Kordzek 604). But animals are uniquely vulnerable to abuse, and despite this they still do not receive much needed protection from the law. The penalties for animal cruelty are not frequently severe enough to even deter one from harming an animal. This is dangerous not only for animals, but for human beings too. Animal cruelty and domestic violence have been proven to correlate in countless ways, and recognizing animal cruelty as a serious criminal offense and a form of domestic violence would serve to protect both animals and human beings from needless acts of violence. Instituting stiffer criminal penalties for animal cruelty and increasing the protective measures for victims of abuse is necessary to further the protection of both animals and human beings.
“For most humans, especially for those in modern urban and suburban communities, the most direct form or contact with non-human animals is at meal time: we eat them. This simple fact is the key to what each one of us can do about changing these attitudes. The use and abuse of animals raised for food far exceeds, in sheer numbers of animals affected, any other kind of mistreatment” (Coats). The most effective method to stop this cruelty is to learn about where the meat comes from, by supporting the organic and family farms which will ultimately lead to the reducing the amount of animals that have to suffer (PETA). More than 95 percent of animal abuse in America occurs in the meat packing industry (Harper & Low). Animals suffer an unimaginable amount, they are raised to be killed, then bought and then consumed. In order to help fight back against the abuse, there needs to be a cut back on the amount of meat or poultry that is consumed. Seriously consider the option of becoming a vegetarian; by not eating meat, you completely stop supporting animal
Animals are the beginning of the best nerve wrecking filled love you could ever dream of for your entire existence. Ever since I was a young child, I’ve always resonated with the everlasting idea of helping animals more so than anyone and anything else in this world. My love for animals had begun when I was a mere two years old. I’ve always had pets: dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and much more. I remember the joy I’d felt when my parents brought my dogs and I to the park. To find out more information about how to help adoptable animals in shelters, I contacted Amanda Smasal, a community outreach coordinator at Wayside Waifs. Wayside Waifs is no-kill shelter located in Kansas City, Missouri which has adoptable dogs and cats, ready and willing to go to safe, loving homes.