
Research Paper On American Childhood

Decent Essays

Many studies point out that the idyllic American childhood is a thing of the past. The kind of carefree childhood in which kids mostly spend their free hours playing basketball in the street, fishing down at the creek, and spending hours lying in the field, sucking on a ragweed stem and thinking about adventures is long lost. Childhood used to involve lots of dreams and skinned knees, not nervous breakdowns. But since then something has changed in America. A condition was starting to take over, in which moms and dads were overscheduling their children to excel in academics and sports. The expectations were rising. The result was soon labeled as the “hurried child syndrome.” Children had to grow up faster to meet the expectations. Millions of stressed-out children are medicated for depression or other symptoms at this moment - six million to be precise, according the Frontline public affairs documentary. …show more content…

Whereas most of the people in my generation in the Netherlands are driven by adventure, experiencing new things, exploring the world and enjoying their student life, the Americans that I have met are driven by their career and success. The American Dream is still pretty much alive, and the only way to achieve that is through opportunity and hard

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