
Research On Youth Development Programs Essay

Decent Essays

Research plays a vital role in all youth development programs. As the PowerPoint notes, we have applied methods derived from research through several modules in this class. Even without realizing it we put several research methods in practice while working with youth. Ongoing research is important for us as youth development workers to expand our knowledge on positive youth development to reflect the 4-H motto: to make the best better. In 4-H, we train all of our club leaders, project leaders and volunteers on the Ages and Stages research. We train them on this particular research method to help them better understand the youth they will be engaging with. Evidence based research such as Ages and Stages helps youth and adults to gain the most from any learning environment. I love learning about different research methods or theories. I took a research class for my Bachelor’s degree. I was the only one in the class that enjoyed it. My interest in research serves a positive influence in my career now. For any programming I offer I give a short evaluation. This helps me learn what could be better for the next time. The evaluations provide feedback for me to help my audience. Perhaps the most influential research we use in 4-H in through Richard Learner and his many studies applied directly to 4-H. His research has provided policies protecting at risk youth by providing staggering and impressive statistics. With his studies on 4-H, the program now has

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