
Research Methods And Methodology Of A Systematic And Rigorous Way

Decent Essays

Research Methods and Methodology
A methodological framework was necessary to organise the project in a systematic and rigorous way however this methodological framework must be underpinned by a conceptual framework (Denscombe, 2010), which represents my preferred approach to this inquiry. This framework supposes that firstly, metacognition holds lifelong value for the pupils and will improve their enjoyment and achievement. And secondly, that my teaching can be improved by more inclusion of metacognitive strategies and provide a more enjoyable experience within the lab when compared to the ‘traditional’ scheme of work used at the school.

I considered using a case study approach to the research, which would provide deep understanding to perceptions. It allows one aspect to be studied in depth (Bell, 2010) however this option was dismissed as it did not allow for changes in practice and their evaluation. If I were to examine the reasons for the decline in enjoyment of lessons from year 7 to year 8, a case study would be the preferred mode of enquiry. I feel that action research is the most appropriate research methodology as it allows changes in practice based on evidence gathered. It enhances the operation and processes on a department or school backed by the collection of data (Denscombe, 2010). McNiff and Whitehead (2011) state that it allows practitioners to investigate and evaluate their work. Action research allows researchers to improve their practice, and their

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