
Research Critique, Part 2 Essay

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Research Critique, Part 2 Grand Canyon University Introduction to Nursing Research NRS 433V 2012 Research Critique, Part 2 This research critique is an article called Comparison of suture types in the closure of scalp wounds written by Joseph Bonham and published in Emergency Nurse. In the emergency room two different types of sutures permanent and non permanent sutures are used as well as glue for lacerations. Scalp wounds are difficult as pressure to wound as well as the hair of the scalp. The research discusses the end result of the research the amount of scaring left after the wound has healed. Protection of Human Participants The benefits of the participation of this study for participants is to see if there can be a more …show more content…

Data Management and Analysis With the beginning of each shift the author would check how many participants were involved in the study. The tracking sheets were double checked against the patient’s records to make sure a follow-up appointment was made. A “C” was labeled for the controlled group or non-absorbable sutures and “E” or experimental group used to identify the absorbable suture participants. When the participant came for a follow-up an assessment sheet was filled out describing the color, surface, contour, distortions, and texture of the scar. Two assessors rated the scar for each participant. It was not stated if each participant was assessed separately for each assessor. The data collected was then entered into a Microsoft excel spreadsheet with all of the paperwork filed in needed later. No statistical software was used for accuracy of the analysis. Findings/Interpretation of Findings The author states that one hundred and ten participants presented into the emergency department with scalp lacerations. No data was collected for how many patients did not participate. Most of the participants were men with more men not returning for the follow-up appointment than women. It was found that with both assessors mean scores were seven point nine for the

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