1. One of the main arguments of the debate was situated against inventive and the ways it presented itself in Hillary Clinton’s campaign. For example the proposition said that Clinton’s background was a good indicator of her future decisions and that inventive is based off of situated. The opposition rebuttal included the argument that situated is only a platform and the way she speaks now and the narrative that is created is more important is current predicament of the race. The also debated on party allegiance and the factors that play into that. The proposition argued that depending on your political party, you bring different situated ethos while the opposition debated that especially in this election, using examples of the split Republican …show more content…
Describe how the central arguments clashed with each other or failed to clash with each other. Discussing clash in the debate means discussing how the arguments presented directly addressed each other. If the arguments failed to directly address each other, say so and describe how that failure occurred. (5pts)
2, I think the two sides clashed a little bit when it came to the example of feeling and emotion and it was a bit debated on if feeling and emotion were situated or inventive. The proposition described emotion as being situated because most people in the election saw the debate and came out of it voting the same way. That the feelings and emotions on this campaign are already set. While the opposition defined emotion as being reliant on what is presented in front of them and that a politician can influence a voter by evoking those
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Describe how you think this debate engaged with the course readings. Do you think the debaters dealt with the substance of the readings? How could they have improved their use of the course readings while debating? As you answer these questions, be sure to describe the central thesis of each of the course readings and how the debate topic and arguments related to those theses. Excellent answers will directly quote the course readings. (15pts)
4. I thought both sides did an excellent job on using course readings in there speeches. The use of the quote, “a rhetor uses situated ethos to keep character” was really solid, it demonstrated the proposition’s point that situated ethos is need and more important than inventive. Another quote from the reading that was used was, “…speaker has good sense, good will, and good moral…” which I again that was extremely influential because it gave proof that character is influenced by situated ethos. If I had to critique, I would say I wish that the quotes where more center of the debate and also when they were used to be said more than once. However, the last critique is more of a personal want because I’m a slow writer. Overall, I thought the quotes that were used were extremely influential and crucial in this
As Joe said we going to discuss the readings upload on the course webside. In order to have a intersting discusion we will send you a sheet with question every week. They will be a guideline, so the answers have to be main ideas/facts or anothers question that you may have during the readings. Please write them and share it during the discussion.
The nation has come to know the GOP as a party that embodies the essence of conservative America. One characteristic of US conservatism is forgetfulness or strategic avoidance of sensitive issues that date back as recently as six months. Everything with the GOP is yesterday, today and a conservative future.
In the newspaper The New York Times, an article was recently published pertaining to the upcoming 2016 election titled, “Don’t Like the Candidates? Vote Anyway.” The author, Adam Grant, forged this persuasive-argumentative selection to convince readers to vote, despite both candidates lacking in several areas(3). Grant makes good use of all three of Aristotle’s ideas to construe a well thought out and convincing message to his audience. His ideas are executed in an excellent manner. Furthermore, not one of Aristotle’s ideas is used more than any other. This helps to streamline his main points, and create an even harmony within the article. Grant’s article effectively argues his point that people should vote no matter what, with the use of Aristotle’s three rhetorical ideas in a balanced fashion.
The title is At Republican Debate, Candidates Are Likely to Set Sights on Ted Cruz, written by Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman issued on December 14, 2015. Many controversial topics have defined the previous Republican debates with Donald Trump currently leading in the polls. This article characterizes possible tactics for the final Republican debate. The subject matter of this article deals with potential Republican presidential candidates. Candidates must attack Donald Trump if they want a chance of taking him over in the polls. Some facts are based on state reporting and opinions on debate tactics. The editor does attempt to appeal to his readers' emotions by highlighting voter's concerns and issues including terrorism,
In this article titled “Analyzing Arguments: Those You Read and Those You Write” goes over multiple strategies and examples to help you analyze the meaning and purpose of a specific argument and how to strengthen your own.
1. Short answer (Weeks 9, 11, 12): Compare and contrast the main arguments of Mohanty, Sen, and Liederman. How are they similar to one another? How are they different from each other?
After months of insults and criticizing the front-runner Donald Trump, his rivals decided to try another tactic to derail his status- nothing.
The very first big idea that I noticed throughout this chapter was the idea that we have to have a process to make controversy creative and productive. For example, when reading the section labeled process of controversy in figure 8.2, I found that when we are struggling with controversy it is important for us to use this conflict for the greater good of the decision we are trying to make. This section also helped demonstrate with figure 8.3 just how controversy kicks off. Within doing the exercises specifically exercise 8.2 I learned a lot about how I personally address controversy having this exercise tell me exactly how I deal with controversy made me feel good because that is exactly how I believed I addressed controversy. However, having a somewhat of an exam confirm that was very reassuring and when I read further on into the chapter I realized
My initial reaction to Limbaugh’s claim that “feminism was established so that unattractive women could have easier access to the mainstream of society" was mixed when I first read it. Limbaugh’s opinion of feminism is based on what is termed as popularized or degraded. These two terms are really umbrella terms used for various movements and theories which support equality for women. Not all of the theories about feminism are acceptable in our society today. Limbaugh’s comments make a generalization about feminism. The comments made by Limbaugh, to me, are offensive and without consideration.
This paper is based on the Republican point of view on various issues such as abortion, taxes, immigration, military spending, and gun control. A Republican’s point of view on abortion is rooted around the idea that an unborn child is legally considered an individual and has the right to live. A Republican believes that taxation should be lowered to help promote big businesses and the wealthy. Republicans believe that all immigrants should have to be a legal citizen before they can live in the United States. Military spending is viewed by the Republican party as an important need. They believe we should have a high budget for our military. The Republicans believe that every American has the right to own, carry, and use a firearm.
In the wake of the death of Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court Justice , Republican candidates had a debate and met in South Carolina for the 9th GOP debate.This debate mainly discussed what each candidate would do if they were to become president. During these debates, the candidates are given a chance to deliver their messages , and to help voters determine which candidate will be best as president. In the republican debate, each candidate was asked a question which they was expected to answer but somehow didn't appear to do so. While watching, I came to conclusion that some of the arguments were successful and others unsuccessful. In the first section of the debate when candidates Ben Carson, Donald
This chapter distinguished the difference between a fight and an argument. In an example, he used a
In the United States of America there is a plethora of extravagant political parties with which one can associate. Obviously, due to the nature of the scholarship at hand, the reader of this written work is a Republican. Is there any thought ever given to the immensity of the political spectrum? There is left and right, up and down, libertarians, authoritarians, liberals, conservatives, socialists, communists, neo-libertarians, paleoconservatives, fascists, or one could be completely neutral. Still, no matter how hard we try to avoid it, in the United States of America, one is always drawn to one side, left or right, while little attention is ever given to the north or south poles of the spectrum. Association with a political party is something
How the quotations capture the historical argument over the role of the government is that people need to find a better solution since the government in a free market economy doesn't have regulations on the buyers and sellers.On the contrary command economy the government controls everything the people do as well as the prices and wages of the