
Reproduction In Psychology

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The field of personality psychology is a very unique one as it tries to understand and describe the individual human being as a complex whole. It would seem easy to describe one personality by simply identifying one personal traits or behaviors but one cannot explain individuality without comparing it against other living organisms. Mc Adams (2009) states that the study of personality psychology requires that one attempts to construct a scientifically credible account of people psychological differences and search for biological and socio-cultural factors that explain these differences and commonalities. In order for us to understand these differences we need to start at the core of human nature; at its origins.
So what are human beings like? …show more content…

Sexual desires play a great role in understanding an individual personality. Men in their nature are attracted by power and wealth and can be aggressive in their approach in attaining both. They approach sexual reproduction in a much different way to their female counterparts. Men tend to be more aggressive and promiscuous in their approach as they tend to have many sexual partners as they see the advantage of impregnating as many women as possible. This is seen as successful method of ensuring that their genes are passed down to the next generation. They tend to seek out women with a higher sexual reproduction, women who will be able to bear them strong healthy children able to continue the reproduction process. Women on the other hand are choosier in their selection of mating partners. They invest most of their time in finding the right type of partner who can provide financial security and help protect and raise their offspring. If we are to take both analogies into a broader prospective we can see these play out in both our modern days and history. Take for instance monarchs or royal families. There is a strict procedure in the selection of a future prince or princess. Because of royalty they have to select their partners based on several factors; such as social class or standing in society; as it is important that

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