
Representation Of Strong Women In TV Shows

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control, for that they wanted to see women take more powerful roles to give young girls who watch these shows role models to look up to. Others agreed with such representations based on the fact that women are inferior to men in reality, so they didn’t want to see anything different, because gender representation in the media is an important contributor to the construction of many people’s lives whether or not they are young people, because seeing the truth could open their eyes to the difficulties women face and might make them want to take action to change this. Nevertheless, this was different to the male participant who said that he sees himself in these men, because he would like one day to take decision on behalf of everyone else, he wants to be as powerful as “Bab Al Hara” characters, but still he says he doesn’t want to see women oppressed and doesn’t want to beat or hurt his future wife, but he still feels that women should be devoted to finish house chores and do things that women are supposed to do. …show more content…

The representation of strong women in TV shows leaves a great impact on women, for example, another participant said that in “The Simpsons” the character Lisa Simpson is represented as a responsible, smart girl who likes reading books, and refuses to do immoral behaviors, the participant looks up to her and finds her strong because other male characters like her father and her brother always make fun of her because she is preoccupied with reading books all the time, however she manages to stay strong and keep doing what she does no matter who tries to keep her

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