Reporting party (RP) stated he arrived at the facility to meet with resident George Dixon (7/11/52) on 3/29/17. Resident was recently placed at the facility after being released from the hospital. Staff did not allow RP to enter the facility so that he could conduct his metal health assessment for the resident. RP presented his business card from his agency but was still denied entry. The resident has been enrolled in RP's program since 02/01/16 and has been visited previously by Social Worker Kathy Kleinman and by staff Denise Ramirez on 3/10/17. Staff told RP that he has to contact the administrator to make an appointment to visit with resident. RP's agency faxed over the consent for treatment to the facility and the DMH contract. Patient's
He reports the patient’s roommate was subsequently evicted from his home after the landlord inquired about the ambulance visiting. He reports he contacted her father concerning the patient residing within the family home, but the father has said no. In addition, he reports he has attempted to contact her uncle but has been unable to make contact with him. He reports he has attempted to make contact with her said friend who is considering allowing her the opportunity to reside with her but she has not answered her phone and he has been unable to leave a voice message. He reports no one wants her in their home, and the patient has “burned her bridges” with family members. He reports her family would benefit from counseling. In addition, he reports her family has high expectations of CPS. He reports her current case was not going to close within 12 days of 06/30/2017. In addition, the case will not
CCIB Intake received a call from resident Eugene Kunz DOB 2/8/24 in room #6. Mr. Kunz call to state he wanted to remove his daughter Joyce as his Power of Attorney (POA) and pay his $3000 rent each month. According to the caller he has residing in the facility for approximately 3 1/2 years and wanted to return to his home, however due to his slight dementia he was having difficulty with his memory and therefore could not return to his home. Conversely the caller described how his daughter would have him examined by physician who would give him 3 words at the beginning of his examination and at the end would ask him the 3 words. Unfortunately the caller could never recall the 3 words and thus was unable to return to his home. Recently the caller
CCIB received a Corrective Plan of Action (CAP) detailing the visit to the home on 10/18/17 by Service Coordinator, Sally Cano. Ms. Cano arrived at the home, but no one was there. Ms. Cano proceeded to check Delta Home 3 (located next door) and found 2 of Delta Home Care IV residents along with residents from Delta Home Care 3 at the home. As Ms. Cano was leaving, she observed a bus arrive at the Delta Home Care 2. The bus driver reported that there was no staff at the home and that the residents were waiting outside. It was observed the Delta Home Care 2, 3, and IV to be lacking staff. On 10/19/17, RP and Quality Assurance specialist (QAS) Jesus Ozeda went to the facility to observe the staff to resident ratios and to collect the staff schedules
On 03/11/2016 SC met with Pa in her apartment for a RA visit. Pa 's Agency Model PAS aide was not present while SC was there. The Pa appeared poorly groomed and dressed in dark color clothes. The apartment was dirty and cat litter and feces on the table and floor. All utilities are in working order. The Pa reported numerous hospitalizations between Temple University and Episcopal University. The Pa did know the exact dates of admission and/or discharge. However, the Pa stated that reasons for admission were either asthma exacerbation; COPD and/or fluid around the Lungs. The SC placed call to Temple University Hospital medical records department and inquiries about Pa admission and discharges. The SC was placed on hold for a long time and when the SC did speak with the receptionist she stated that most of the Pa admission was at Episcopal Hospital Temple University and she did not have the time to go over every admission she provided the SC with the medical records department telephone number for Episcopal. The SC thanks her for her time and end call. The dates of ER visits and hospital admissions are as follows: 11/2015, 12/2015, 3/1/2016-3/4/2016, 3/5/2016-3/6/2016; and two ER visits 2/29/2016 and 3/7/2016 at Temple University. SC reviewed Pa’s services and per Pa he is receiving services in the type, scope, amount, frequency and duration as specified in the ISP. But the SC reasons to doubt that the Pa is receiving service according to the ISP. The SC arrived at the Pa’s
In March 2015, RP overheard one of the caregivers state that one of the residents had scabies but facility never notified the families. RP stated that an order for Benadryl was made for the resident on 7/12/16 but the resident never received the medication because it was reported that the order was not signed. Staff never contact the physician to request a signed order so the resident was without the medication for 16 days. Resident's husband contacted RP on 9/9/16 and said that he had a confirmed case of scabies. On 9/10/16, RP spoke with administrator who disclosed that there has been confirmed cases of scabies. Administrator stated that due to the resident and resident's family members contracting scabies, Terminex was at the facility on 9/12/16 to treat residents room. RP also mentioned that on one occassion she visited the resident and the room "reeked" of urine and the resident's Depends was on the floor. RP stated that there is not enough staff to handle the amount of residents in the facility. RP stated that on one of her visitis, there were residents sitting in the living room for over 2 hours before anyone was able to check on
On August 26, 2015 around 2335 hours, Security Supervisor Steven Evans, Security Officer Allan Topher, and I was dispatched to room 5104 in response to a non-Baker Act patient, Lillie M. Smith (FIN:84487321) who was arguing with medical staff. Upon arrival, we made contact with Nurse Julia, who stated that Mrs. Smith did not want to leave her room. She further stated that Mrs. Smith was going to be transported to room 510 bed #2. Security staff went inside the room and observed a very confused 86 years old patient who stated that she pays rent in the hospital and that the hospital is her house. Nurse Julia tried to convince her nicely to sit on the wheel chair in order to be transported to room 510. After several attempts from Nurse Julia,
On Thursday 07/21/2016 at approximately 2223 hours, Security Supervisor Steven Evans was contacted by Assistant Nurse Manager Robbie Philips via landline and asked to conduct a (44V) Enforcement Escort Visitor Off Property for the discharged female patient in E.D. #48. The patient, Susan Harris (DOB: 03/22/1952), had been quarrelsome and refusing to leave. SOs Christopher Paz and Ariel Weiland responded to the scene. Upon arrival, we observed the patient laying down on her bed, we approached the discharged patient and spoke with her. Mrs. Harris agreed to leave without further incident. Security staff escorted Mrs. Harris outside of the E.D. lobby at which time she requested to stay in the lobby till 0530 hours. No incident occurred during
The reporting party (RP) stated referral #1143-3655-1102-7078895 was generated from the following referral #0534-9062-5752-307279 dated 1/28/15 regarding resident Nicole Morris age 14 DOB: 6/1/00. Per the referral Nicole is an alleged victim of sexual abuse, physical abuse and general neglect by an unknown perpetrator. According to the RP on 1/28/15 a staff member named Rebecca took Nicole to Long Beach Memorial Hospital clinic to be examined after she disclosed having suicidal ideation. Nicole revealed to hospital staff that she planned to hang herself. While waiting at the hospital Nicole disclosed being "fingered" by two different boys (names unknown) at the home. Nicole also disclosed that a girl (name not provided) beat her up. Referral 0290-1132-4581-1002176 dated 3/13/15 reported by Tatiana Garcia, Clinician with Bayfront Youth Group home.
Adrian is a 24-year-old Caucasian male who presents to CRU from RRC-W. He is ACOT for non-compliance. He is SMI designated. La Frontera is the outpatient treatment agency for Adrian. He also receive DD services from AZ Dept of Development Disabilities. Per amendment letter, client was being aggressive towards group home staff, and admitted to stating that he wanted to jump into traffic. He denies AVH, and DTO. His BP is elevated 139/81, he has a hx of HTN and high cholesterol. He will benefit from meeting the provider to discuss medication
Reporting is the daughter and POA for resident Earnest Anderegg (DOB: 1/1/36). When the resident moved into the facility on 10/1/16, RP was told that the Rent was $1,800.00 for a private room. After the resident was admitted, licensee requested a deposit of an additional $500.00 from RP for incidentals (for outings) which RP paid. RP was then verbally notified by licensee that the rent would be increasing to $2000.00 per month. RP told licensee that they could not afford this amount and that she would be taking him out. RP stated that licensee gave her a hard time taking the resident out of the facility. RP stated that the licensee contacted the Ombudsman who question the resident. The resident has dementia and he told the Ombudsman and the
Pt. called this writer to report that he no longer wanted to be in the program. Pt. asked if he needs to sign a Voluntary Request for Termination. Pt. reported that he is going to stop by the clinic to pay his tx services fees. Pt. stated, "I am done wit methadone. I'll go there tomorrow and pay my bill in full." Counselor told that he needs to talk to the head nurse and to sign the AMA Detoxification Agreement tomorrow, Saturday 2/25/17. After discussing this issue with him, he still insisted that he did not want to be in the program and he wants to sign the AMA Detoxification Agreement
The patient was placed on HOLD to see the writer to address his non-compliance with treatment. The patient was reminded about his Step 3 of the patient engagement. According to the patient as the writer reviewed the patient case history of his no show for counseling, group attendance, and continuously AWOL, the patient only response was, " I, know." The writer then inquired of the patient efforts to engage in mental health services through ICRC. The patient admits that he haven't done the intake when the deadline was extended for the third time. The writer discussed with the patient about the risk of facing an intent to discharge due to his non-compliance and addressed alternatives such as suboxone and transferring to a clinic in Massachusetts to accommodate the work location. The patient declines the writer's suggestion as he wants to remain with HCRC-Hartford due to the positive treatment and said. " You guys really care....I do not want to be discharge.....I, mean what is the process of the intent of discharge?" The writer explained to the patient about the appeal process as his record will be reviewed by the Practice Manager to determine as to whether or not to forward with the discharge or the discharge to be overturn.
The reporting party (RP) stated minor Anthony Silver DOB: 6/19/99 resided in the facility until when he was given notice on 10/4/16. According to the RP, Anthony went AWOL from the facility on that date. While being transported into custody to Juvenile Hall he disclosed that staff members brought drugs and alcohol into the facility. The RP stated she spoke with the minor privately regarding his allegation and disclosed several staff members were involved in bring in pills, tobacco, alcohol, and meth into the facility. When the minor was asked which staff members, he replied he didn't know and could not remember. Consequently the RP continued to speak with the minor and he revealed the names of Gary Stanley, who no longer works in the facility.
The reporting party (RP) stated there is a belief that the licensee and Maria Dickerson are committing fraud. According to the RP the licensee is never available. The RP stated Maria Dickerson lives in the licensed home with her son. The RP stated when they arrive to the facility Maria is the person providing care within 10-15 minutes the licensee would arrive at the home. There were a few occasions when the RP made visits she only communicated with the licensee over the telephone. The RP stated the licensee never answers the phone call made to (916) 806-8085 however, the licensee would return calls made to that phone number.
This writer agreed to meet with the patient as she missed group and her scheduled individual session with this writer. The patient apologized to this writer for her absence and then reports about transportation issue. This writer discussed with the patient about her MVA this month on the 18th and the status of obtaining a police report. The patient reports, " I can get the police report by the next appointment. I just have to go to my insurance company that isn't too far from where I live to get a copy of it."