
Renee Yohe

Decent Essays

The scene begins with Kat Dennings character 'Renee Yohe' laying on the ground after taking drugs. A high shot has been used to capture this moment as it usually represents vulnerability, therefore causing the audience to sympathise with Renee, and the position that she is in because she's powerless. This angle also enables us to view the mise-en-scene, which is extremely dreary as the colour scheme used consists of grey and black. These colours have been used as they have connotations of being seriously dull and depressing, thus reflecting the characters emotions and causing the audience have a further understanding of Renee and what sort of personality she has. Still in the same shot we hear the diegetic sound of a butterfly flapping its wings, it flies past Yohe who glances at it emotionlessly. Although this is a very small action, the butterfly holds great symbolism as its reminiscent of her childhood, because at the start of the film we are shown how Renee liked to draw bright coloured butterflies, the directors and producers of the movie …show more content…

A medium wide shot is used to film this section so that we are still able to see the mise-en-scene but also little Renee. This scene shows her still running in the direction that the car is coming from, she stops in the middle of the path and looks to her left but in the blink of an eye the car crashes into her dragging her innocent little frame along with it. The screen immediately switches to black and if you listen closely you can hear Yohe scream out 'no' but it's very faded out which gives off the feeling that is came from very far away. The fact that this shot only lasted for2 seconds shows how quickly Yohe lost her innocence, so fast that she hardly even noticed it, the audience's mind is left to wonder, did she experience a traumatic event? Did someone in her family die? We are literally shown that a part of herself died, but for what reason we don't

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