
Religious Revitalization Movement : The First Great Awakening

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Religious Revitalization Movement, The First Great Awakening
The First Great Awakening, was a religious revitalization movement that came through the Atlantic region, and even more so in the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, forever impacting American religion & is widely known as the most important event for American religion during the eighteenth century. The First Great Awakening was inspired by an English Methodist known as George Whitefield along with other ministers, when many people in the rural areas rejected the Enlighted and rational religion that came from the Cosmopolitan pulpits and port cities. George Whitefield began this movement with speaking tours through the colonies (“The Great Awakening”).
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It has been said by many that George Whitefield was able to turn the place of worship into a religious theater, with his energetic sermons. He was giving gruesome deceptions of hell, and was able to hook the people of all ages, race, and class. In 1741 Whitefield returned to England and had a tons of followers joining older churches or forming new (improved) churches (“U.s. A Narrative”). The Primary Source on the dangers of unconverted Ministry was a sermon preached by Gilbert Tennent’s, an American Presbyterian minister that participated in The Great Awakening where Tennent then met George Whitefield the two established they shared beliefs on the movement. Tennent & Whitefield began traveling together, Tennent was able to introduce Whitefield to other ministers in the Middle Colonies to help make Whitefield’s preaching tour a major success. When Whitefield returned to England, Tennent held services for months in New England. These tours helped unite local revivals into the Great Awakening & in my opinion was an interesting piece I’d like to touch base on, by shining light on how he felt & argued that only men who had experienced conversion should be

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