
Essay on Religious Health Care

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Religious Health Care Introduction This paper will explore and identify the strategic performances of Religion Health Care. Religion Health care operates in a community of 225,000, called Middleville and are experiencing competition from other health care facilities in the area. In order to continue to maintain their productive, quality and patient centered performance, the facility has to make sure that there are no errors in its performance and its services rendered must be at its best. There are six core questions that this report will address regarding the strategic performance of Religious Health Care. Religious Health Care Religion Health Care is the leading health care facility in Middleville, but in order to stay in the …show more content…

The board not only selects and works with the CEO’s but it sustains its relationships over time. 2) Establishing the mission, vision and values: agreeing on common goals and care values of the organization and articulating them as a guiding concept (Griffith& White, 2007). 3) Approving strategies and an annual budget to implement the mission: selecting the major lines of investment consistent with the mission and vision, balancing the vision against financial realities, and approving plans for implementation (Griffith & White, 2007). 4) Maintaining the quality of care: identifying goals for safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable care and supporting an organization that will attract and retain the most competent physicians, nurses, and other caregivers (Griffith & White, 2007). 5) Monitoring results for compliance to goals, laws and regulation: reviewing progress toward implementation using benchmarks and events in the community to identify improvement opportunities (Griffith & White, 2007). Describe three (3) key performance dimensions and include specific measures for Religious Health Care could use to improve overall institutional performance. Religious Health Care can improve their overall institutional performance by performing the following steps: 1) Financial performance – ability to acquire, husband, and effectively reinvest essential resources. This will show profit and cash flow; days

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