
Religious Freedom

Decent Essays

Should the government decide which religions have freedom to worship? The balancing act of individual rights and religious liberty has been a contentious affair throughout American history. Some people believe states must accommodate to all religions, including the rights of business owners to refuse service based on their values. There are beliefs the government should have no influence on religions. On the other hand, some believe government should balance religion with individual rights. Governments should not be based on religion ,but states should work to protect all religions and give them equal advantages to succeed.

People should be able to practice what their religion preaches. If the government tells them the have to go against their values they are further decreasing their freedom to practice what they want. “The government of the United States was created to protect the God-given rights of the people, from our First Amendment right to free speech and religious freedom.” (Bob Goodlatte) The public should have the the choice to follow what their religion preaches, not the government. Our first amendment explicitly provides everyone religious freedom. Therefore, the government can not choose to only protect certain religions. “Religious freedom is one thing nearly all Americans, left and right, religious and secular, have …show more content…

“Religion has a growing influence in the U.S. Government that is distracting lawmakers.” Bans like no same sex or mixed raced marriage and outlawing abortion are all based on religious teachings. People disagree with same sex marriage because it says it is not allowed in the bible. Passing laws like these add to the others going against their beliefs. If a religion doesn’t believe in same sex marriage, that religion doesn’t have to participate. It’s not the government's place to make the decision for every

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