
Religion In The Exorcist

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Exorcism The exorcist is an American religious and drama movie that was directed by William Friedkin. Warner Bros Inc. released the movie in 1973 after, which the movie had commercial success because of the positive reviews it received from critics. Ideally, the movie talks about demonic possessions in a twelve-year-old child. The key religious aspects discussed in the movie include the nature and characteristics of human faith. The film clearly depicts relevance of love and the power of God over evil spirits. On the other hand, the movie explains the necessity of believing in God during harsh and cruel moments. The film producers manage to explain the negative implications that have come with evil spirits. A clear look at the movie setting …show more content…

Ideally, Christianity demands for faith from its believers. Throughout the movie, the conviction of several individuals is tested. An outstanding example is when the faith of the priest is put to test at the start of the film. The priest had defeated an evil spirit that had now returned to seek revenge. Apparently, the works of the priest are tasted because he is required to tackle the religious challenges that come with driving evil spirits away from possessed individuals. Additionally, the faith of the second priest is tested in the dramatic movie when he gave up on pursuing exorcism activities after the death of his sister. However, the arrival of the other priest makes the father to resolve in helping the poor child. On the other hand, the faith of the mother was also tested as she had to believe in God to overcome the calamity that had struck her …show more content…

In Christianity, God is the Supreme Being and is responsible for earthly lives. God has power over nature, human beings and demons. Therefore, the movie illustrates this fact when the girl’s family decided to consult a religious priest to handle the current issue. Previously, the priest was conducting a spiritual research in Iraq whereby he discovered an amulet that resembled or symbolized an evil spirit, which he had overpowered some time back (Blatty 133). The fact that the priest is a servant of God enabled the reverend to conquer the evil spirit. The discovery made the priest to realize that the demon was out to seek revenge. The movie explains the relevance of Christianity from the priest’s actions. Apparently, the priest used his religious conviction to drive out evil spirits in people and homes. Therefore, Christianity is the main religion discussed throughout the

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