
Religion In Public Schools

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Religion and Public Schools
Religion in public schools have always been a big debate as to whether or not to allow religion in schools. There are many factors that go into religion at schools. Although the practice of religion is not currently allowed in public schools, many schools have religious clubs and prayer gatherings to go against not being able to practice religion in schools.
Although public schools are not allowed to practice and focus on teaching one religion, due to the first amendment Freedom of Religion Students are able to wear any form of religious clothing, such as t-shirts, wrist bands, neckwear, and any other clothing of religious belief. Schools are also able to sponsor gospel choir that performs praise songs. Public schools …show more content…

There are still many rules and things that schools cannot do due to this rule. For example a school football team cannot say a prayer on the loudspeaker before the kickoff at a game. Any form of prayer or any teaching that is for one single religion is also unconstitutional.
The argument over separation and church and public schools has been discussion for many years. Many people have very strong opinions for or against the separation, There are also those who have a circumstantial opinion. The separation of church and state is the highly debatable subtopic of religion and prayer in public schools. While some believe that prayer in school is beneficial to the growth and learning of children and their faith, others believe that it could completely ruin their faith (Mclinn).
Public schools have different clubs and organizations that support religion. Most of these organizations are in support of one religion, where it should be for many different religions. In a school with many different students, not every student will have the same religion. There are many different religions that makes it impossible for every student to be pleased through organizations or even with courses at the school. Religion is something that should be very personal and private (ACLU Joint

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