Ever since I was little I’ve always admired the earth that we live on. How the grass grows and the animals move was always mesmerizing to me. I’ve always had a large respect for this planet and everything on it. Through religion I have always had a large connection to Earth and all the beings on it. Religion has always been a large part of my life even since I was a child I have always been a member of the catholic church and have been very religious. I was told as a child that God was the creator of everything and everyone but now that I have learned the theories of the origins of the world and the universe I have started to question this. Every Sunday I would wake up to my dad banging on the door to my room to wake me up to go to church. I’d get up and get dressed to meet the rest of my family downstairs in the dining room for a Sunday breakfast then after breakfast we would head off to church. This was the routine every Sunday and was something I looked forward to every weekend. The act of going to church every weekend was something I had a large connection to and was really important to my life at the time. I lived by a set of values and a large majority of those values were put forth by the church and in the teachings of the church. Every week I would have to go to a class called CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) which a class that taught me about Catholicism and Christianity. I found this class really interesting because I was getting a deeper
In this article, Oliver Thomas discusses how important it is for people to have a religion and why religion is much needed in everyone’s life. He informs people that the answer to this question could be just to worship, but at the same time he believes that there is an answer that deals with a person’s deepest concern in a spiritual sense. He also discusses the idea that religion makes us want to live; in addition to, Viktor Frankl’s research conclusion of the Nazi death camp and how it was not the youngest, strongest or even the smartest that survived, but it was those who had found a meaning to their lives. He believes that religion makes things easier to become a decent person. In addition, the positive core values and the constant striving for self-improvement that religion push people to look for actually help them to be
Religion was involved with many things in a person’s life. It affects things like social status, relationships, the economy, culture, and politics. The complex ideas of religion and politics have shaped societies. The Puritans have set their goal to make their society and way of living connected to God in every way, shape, and form. In the seventeenth century this standard to keep God by your side has deeply affected politics and lawmaking, and has even caused some people to be continuously persecuted. From the strength of their religious beliefs stemmed these radical ideas, which deeply affected lives in the 17th century. Though these ideas were a way of life at one point in time, if these ideas were applied to our government today the
"I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is."
As a child I was not raised in a “church-going family” but I was always interested in why people followed the Lord and gave their lives to him. When I was around 8 years old I asked a family friend if she would take me when she went the next Sunday, and she said yes. But, for an 8 year old, sitting in a big room with some strange man trying to be funny and using words that I didn’t understand wasn’t very fun. I kept going even though I didn’t enjoy it and I would draw and try to find ways to make the hour and a half pass. Without my knowledge there was a whole other thing going on upstairs, children’s ministry. That’s something I was interested in. So, the next Sunday I made my way upstairs and found where I was supposed to be and it shocked me that I wasn’t the only one who drew at church! There was an entire table designated to coloring pages and more crayons than I could have ever used. After coloring on countless coloring pages we went to “worship time.” It was so fun! We got
The United States of America is a country that is a country that is based on the fact that it's citizens have more freedom than anywhere else. "Freedom" is a broad term of "American", and we use the word a lot without ever really defining it. We have the freedom to choose our religion. Although the pledge of allegiance states "one nation under god", implying that an American citizen is a Christian background, it is not forced upon us. Unlike some places, we have the freedom to put our faith in whatever religion we choose, regardless of whether we were born into it or not. We can worship whatever god we want, however we want, whenever we want. We can choose to believe in nothing at all, or every god that every religion has ever praised. We
The power that religion posses has been taught from mankind 's existence, it can be lead to justice or oppression but not all are connected to a religion various lifestyles have different explanations of cause, focus and direction. The importance role of religion and faith in one 's life, as depicted in the fictional novel of Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner is portrayed through characters and events. Firstly the strength of a relationship is dependent upon the religious practices and understanding the importance of religion in a pair. Secondly, the superego represents that standards of one 's moral principles and their personality. Thirdly, there are numerous interpretation of the meaning of religion and that builds a personal belief system. The powerful role that faith and religion have on an individual 's life is demonstrated by strengthening relationships, developing morality and setting a personal belief system.
I believe that people should be able to exercise their religion freely with fear of persecution, but they should not tell everyone what to do. People of faith can keep their religious convictions as long as they does not infringes on everyone natural right in the constitution. Their believed should be in the frame work of the law. However, In the United States (U.S), we have religious freedom. Everyone can practice their religion without intimidation and Congress cannot established a state religion. Which implies that there is a separation of church and state, and religion is a private matter. This is enshrine into our constitution and make us be at peace with another. Back in the middle-ages in Europe, religion and state were intertwine, and the pope was the religion head of all catholic nations. People believe that God communicates with him
The incorporation of religion into a person’s life displays how a belief in gods can impact every facet of someone’s life. The entirety of religion is based solely on faith and the willpower of someone’s belief in what has been taught to them. In these teachings, through sacred texts, manuscripts, or orally transmitted; the basis of many religions is the idea of an object, person, or building being sacred. The reason something becomes sacred and is then believed to be sacred is because the sacred manifests itself and makes itself become known to man. This is what separates the religious man from the profane man, the idea that items can be sacred, and the belief that they are sacred. Eliade points out that the profane man experiences life uniformly neutral, he does not have something that shapes his life like religion does . The objective of religious architects was to separate the holy world and the profane world by utilizing sacred space to allow for a relationship between believers and the cosmos.
Religion has been a powerful force in human history. Mankind has longed and searched for the answers to its purpose, the reason for being and the possibility of life after physical death. They reasoned that an afterlife would be a place of accounting and reckoning for the life they lived on earth. Religious belief systems seemed to give the answers as to how to prepare for the afterlife. Religion became the means of giving answers to those basic yet deep-seated questions of both life and death. Religion provided a format of rules and laws for conduct and treatment toward others based on the desires and wishes of a god or gods that people envisioned, imagined or invented. Religious belief systems have been a powerful force for good and bad...good in the sense that it provided a measure of individual behavior and order in society for the wellbeing of the whole, but bad in the sense that men of ambition who craved power and control over others would often use religion as a tool of manipulation and fear. A casual glance of history tells us that complete civilizations have been built, grown and maintained around elaborate religious systems, ancient Egypt being a prime example.
We often take advantage of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution that states that we have the right to practice any religion we desire. It is a civil right many people do not appreciate nearly enough. We do not realize that people in other countries do not have this privilege. In other countries, innocent people are being persecuted, killed, and tortured because of their religion and their religious practices. The most notable is the genocide of Jews during World War II. Many Jews were killed by Nazis and many more died in the concentration camps due to the harsh and cruel conditions they were forced to endure. Unfortunately,
Psychologists are professionals with a responsibility to provide the best care possible to the individuals that need their assistance. This is why it is mandatory to continue training and education, to remain current in the knowledge of treatment methods to ensure the optimal quality of services provided (Fisher, 2013). With that said, psychologists ponder whether religion and spirituality should be integrated into methods of therapy and if so, what types of effects it can have on recovery for a patient. Before that can be done, there needs to be a definition of religion and spirituality to distinguish if there is a notable difference. According to Hodge (2011), spirituality can be understood as one’s personal relationship with the Transcendent (Universe) whereas religion can be described as the institution or community of a collective of people that share common beliefs and practices. There have been arguments in favor and in opposition in regards to the incorporation of religion, mostly the concern is to make certain that all treatments are constructed to protect and enhance one’s quality of life. Therefore, the obligation of the psychologist is to avoid harm in any manner possible, and to guarantee such prevention, the psychologist must discern if the inclusion of religion/spirituality will be considered an ethical violation (Fisher, 2013).
The belief in religion is a shared trait among much of humanity’s existence. Since the inception of religion, humans have debated and even waged wars over which of their faith’s to be true throughout history. Religion had been often used to explicate natural processes which, at the time, were unexplainable to humans, and to establish moral boundaries for followers to abide by, as well as unifying people under one common belief. With the progression of science and philosophy, though, a new side of the debate has arisen recently—the questioning a god’s conceptual coherence, thus if religion in general is true.
“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”
Historically, religion has dominated individuals’ in their daily lives. Religion may define ones’ morals and virtues, culture, or explain how the universe began. Depending on ones’ interpretation of their religion, it can be realized that religion is either harmful or beneficial for a certain gender. Most common religions restrict women and make them inferior to men. In particular, Islam religion limits women in interfaith marriages, behavior and rights within the marriage, sexuality, divorce, religious life, employment, and plays a factor in gender roles.
A popular debate that has been persistent throughout the years has been whether or not religion should be taught in public schools. Should religion be taught to students to a larger extent or not at all? In my opinion, it is so important to teach religion in a school setting for multiple reasons.