
Reliability And Validity Test For Children Education Essay

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More mean, and less standard deviation indicate more important factors (Rahman, 2014) relating to the propensity to save. On the basis of the table no.2, it is clear that ‘to have enough social security” is the most important factor to the propensity to save (Mean 3.78, and SD 0.91). Then takes place for ‘children education’ (Mean 3.72, and SD 1.15), and ‘to get good interest’ (3.71, and 0.81). To be rich man is in the 4th place for cause of human saving. Reliability and Validity Test: The right information will demonstrate the genuine outcomes. So, Cronbach alpha shows the validity and reliability of data set. Table No. 3: Reliability Test R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A) Reliability Coefficients N of Cases = 232.0 N of Items = 15 Alpha = 0 .7716 Source: Author’s Calculation (Based on Field Survey, 2016) Here for 15 items, Cronbach alpha is 0.7716 which is greater than 0.70 and less than 0.90 (Cortina, 1993). That implies the analyst has utilized exceptionally dependable information for investigation. Sample Adequacy and Sphericity Test: The accompanying table no. 4 gives data about specimen adequacy list ΚMO by Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin, which looks at the sizes of the watched connection coefficients to the sizes of the fractional relationship coefficients for the entirety of examination factors is (0.722) 77.2%, and it is solid since it beats (0.70) 70% by a long shot (cut-off over 0.50) (Yong

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