
Relationships In The Canterbury Tales

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Relationships are a very important part of life and the older I get, the more complex these relationships become. This year has been one of self-discovery and the texts that we have read have really helped that process. Works like The Canterbury Tales, The Tragedy of Mariam and Love is a Fallacy have opened my eyes to two types of connections I have observed in my life (punctuation) being obsessed with progression and trying to fix the person. Seeing these relationships in literature shined a light on these behaviors and I started noticing them in my own life.

The first type of relationship we read about was where the characters felt like they needed to get something out of the relationship. Whether the objective was obtaining wealth, power, etc, the obsession with progression …show more content…

We see this a lot with the Wife of Bath, she seemed to only be interested in her relationships when they provided something for her. Relationships should be symbiotic, but the Wife of Bath doesn’t seem to think so. In her first three marriages, she is almost entirely going after them for financial support. Along with that, she wants to exercise complete control over her partners. With her other two husbands, she actually loves them, but this does not stop her from wanting to dominate them. Genuinely caring about her fourth and fifth husbands does not seem to change her perspective on marriage. Even when she loves her husbands, she is so focused on being in control that she never truly found happiness in these relationships or in herself. It seems that the Wife of Bath hasn’t been able to find satisfaction in herself so she is entering into relationships to try to fill a void that can only be filled by self reflection and development. After each of her first three husbands die, she almost immediately feels the need to remarry, and she didn’t even wait for her fourth

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