
Relationship Between Lamoni's Farming Community And The University

Decent Essays

The final assignment for this class has led me to analyze the relationship between Lamoni’s farming community and the university. Being primarily a member of Graceland’s clique, I decided the best person to interview would be my boss at the coffee shop, Tabor. The influential roles that She has held in both communities, thus, having the ability to provide insight from both a personal level and from a business perspective. While my recommendation paper focuses on how to improve the shaky relationship through the Shaw Center, what I found to be incredibly interesting was the representation and school pride throughout the town. When “outside” individuals enter the town, there is only one sign at the edge of town announcing the presence of Graceland University. There is barely any advertisement in the business and no supporting team spirit for the sports and other activities that the college students dedicate their time to. Even fun and positively encouraging signs along the roads or decorative blue/gold propaganda in the downtown would symbolize that there is actually a college that is an integral part of Lamoni. …show more content…

When you enter Leon, the excitement and support of the town for their school district is splattered throughout the town. The issue that is restricting Lamoni’s enthusiasm to promote their support stems from the mascot, the demons. According to Tabor, during the town meetings, the more conservative members of the farming community felt conflicted over that promoting the demons. Since demons would be viewed in an empowering and supporting manner, this would go against their devoted religious

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