
Relationship Between Incarnation And Atonement Essay

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The Relationship Between Incarnation and Atonement The incarnation and atonement of Jesus Christ are the enduring elements of the Christian theology. Many theologians have spent their time discussing and developing these Christian doctrines on how they came about, and how relevant they might be. According to Anselm, incarnation is a central doctrine of Christianity, followed by atonement. In order to ponder on the relationship between atonement and incarnation focusing on Anselm’s idea of satisfaction, we are supposed to look at the meanings of atonement, as well as incarnation. However, the doctrines of incarnation and atonement are interrelated as elucidated by many theologians.
Atonement is a Christian theory that explains the reconciliation of human beings with God (Torrance 6). In simple words, it is the redemption/forgiveness of sins through the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christians were forgiven their sins and reconciled with God. The bible in the book of John 3:16 say that, “For God so loved the world, and gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish” (King James Version, John 3.16). According to the bible, whoever believes in the son of God, shall not perish but will have everlasting life, and this is the atonement, since through the death of the son of God, Christians were forgiven their sins, and received eternal life. According to the doctrine of

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